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Chag sameach- Happy Pesach!

Following the cleaning and re-order of our homes for this special holiday, and after the Seder, perhaps now more than ever is the time to truly appreciate the meaning of Pesach for the Jewish people.


Just think of it- we are able to prepare for this special chag living as a free people and able to enjoy the very special  blessings of our Jewish  Religion and traditions.  Even the cleaning – knowing that we are able to take out the Pesach dishes and put away the non-Pesach is something that we should appreciate.  The fact that we can go shopping and find everything that is needed for the blessings and even for the regular daily supplies is in itself a big blessing. Yes, it is very tiring – but still a blessing.

Sure we joke about having to check everything to make sure it is marked KP – Kosher for Pesach because not every store puts all of the KP goods in one place – but still we are able to fill our homes with all that we want and need.

There is much work ahead of us to ensure the safety and security of the Jewish people, but as we learn “in each generation those who hate us try to destroy us, and the L-rd of Israel saves us.”

I am certain that each of us is aware that never has there been a time when this was not true, and how important it is to remember and to teach this to our children- to realize that we can never take it for granted that we are a free Nation and living in our Land.

The season of this holiday is very moving also, because we witness the re-birth of nature, can enjoy the beautiful flowers blossoming, the butterflies and song of the birds as so many go out to enjoy all of the beauties of our Land and the blessings of the L-rd.

I do realize that many people ignore the importance of the historical message of this chag, but even that in its’ own way is a blessing because it proves that this holiday is an integral part of our lives as a Jewish Nation.

Reflecting on the situation of the Middle East, the dangers that we are facing both from inside and from outside of our country cannot and must not be ignored- but definitely this is a lesson in history repeating itself that in every generation we, the Jewish people must fight for our survival.  The most important way of doing this is by clinging to our history, our Torah, and our Land.

So, chag sameach and may it be a peaceful one in every way.

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Yehudit Tayar was born in Chicago Illinois and served as a councilor in Bnei Akiva Youth Organization. She has lived with her family in Bet Horon in the Benjamin Region for over 30 years, serves as an emergency first response medic, on the Board of Directors of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron,and is a spokesperson for the Jewish pioneers in Yesha. Married to Ami, mother of four children, and grandmother