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Screen capture from the Likud-Beitenu's election spot last night.

Last night, Israelis were treated to videos from Israel’s various political parties. The Likud-Beitenu’s video was cheesy, but nevertheless represented a return to the positive campaigning that attracts people and can restore the support the sleepy-then-negative campaign cost the joint list.

The video’s theme is “we are proud of…” and moves from being proud of the State of Israel to all the practical achievements of the government over the last four years, from the reduction in the prices of cellular phone plans, stopping the flow of illegal migrants into Israel, getting the world to place sanctions on Iran, adding hundreds of thousands of jobs to the economy, increasing education benefits and investing in the country’s transportation system.


Here’s the video, English translation below.

In English:

“We are proud of the Jewish state.
“We are proud of our heritage.
“We are also proud of what we have achieved here. . .
“. . .in the last past four years.

“We are proud we have recruited the world in placing sanctions on Iran.
“We built a security barrier which stopped the wave of illegal migrants from the Egyptian border.
“We are proud to have brought an economic flourishing, among the highest in the world.
“We brought a dramatic reduction in cellular (phone) prices. ”
We granted free education to children from the age of three.
“We are proud that we created 350,000 (new) jobs.
“We advanced the number of workers in the periphery and reduced unemployment.
“We invested millions in highways and trains.

“We are proud of the combination of forces between the Likud and Yisrael Beitenu. We are proud of all that we have done and together we will continue to strengthen Israel. We are proud of our unity and our power.”

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Daniel Tauber is the Executive Director of Likud Anglos, and a former Opinions Editor at Daniel is also an attorney admitted to practice law in Israel and New York and received his J.D. from Fordham University School of Law. You can follow him on facebook and twitter.