Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90

{Originally posted to the author’s website, Emes Ve-Emunah}

When one hears about an organization known as Footsteps, all kinds of images pop up depending upon what your perspective is. If you are Ultra-Orthodox, chances are you see them as an antireligious organization that helps Ultra Orthodox Jews leave Orthodoxy and lead secular lives (popularly referred to as going OTD – off the Derech). If you are someone who is already OTD you see it as a way to help you adjust in your new secular environment


(For purposes of this essay, I am defining ultra-Orthodoxy as those of its segments that live completely insular lives. Which entails a great many restrictions that are designed to protect them from the evils of the outside world. A community like New Square would be an example of that. But it is not limited to New Square or even to Chassidus. There are non Chasidic communities that are almost as insular with almost as many restrictions.)

My understanding of Footsteps is that they have no religious – or anti-religious agenda. They are a secular group that helps those that have already gone OTD – adjust. That is their agenda as I understand it. They do not try to make you irreligious in any way. I therefore do not see them as evil. They are secular and want to help.

That said, I lament the fact that there is no place for an ultra-Orthodox Jew to go if he simply wants out of his restrictive insular environment. Now I have no quarrel with those who prefer an ideology that is insular and ultra-strict. As long as they are not a financial burden on the rest of society, do not break any laws, and members of their community are happy living that way, it is certainly their right. As much as I could not live that way – they do nothing wrong.

But what about those in that community that do not want to live that way? Often there are some people that cannot live that way and yet they feel forced to. Furthermore they are indoctrinated to believe that the way they live their lives is the only legitimate expression of God’s will. So that if for example a Skverer Chasid even reads a secular newspaper it is considered a breach of fundamental breach of Jewish behavior. There is little if any attempt to differentiate between Chumra and Halacha.

As such it is quite understandable when an individual from this community goes completely OTD. Buying a computer and going online is seen in such negative terms that it is almost as if they were violating Shabbos. It then becomes difficult if not impossible for such a person to feel comfortable living in such a community. The more of secular culture they pursue, the more ostracized they will feel. It should therefore not be surprising that they come to feel their only option is to become entirely secular.

Being raised in such an insular environment makes them ill prepared to enter the secular one. Imagine for example trying to get a college education with no high school diploma and the bare minimum education that comes with. That’s where Footsteps comes in. They help them achieve that goal.

Granted – in some cases there is more than a desire for a little freedom that causes someone to go OTD. There may be intellectual reasons that turn them into skeptics and non believers. I’m not sure anyone can do much for them. Although I would not entirely abandon the hope that they return to observance, it is a difficult task for anyone to convince them to do that.

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Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at [email protected].