The first thing that must be done, in my view is to tear down that wall. The next thing is that the school should allow its empty classrooms to be used by Charedim. Once that happens, maybe… just maybe each community will learn that the other side is not the monster they think they are. If I were the Education Ministry, this is the direction I would be going.
One of my favorite quotes of all time was uttered by a petty criminal – a black man by the name of Rodney King. It was in response to race riots that broke out in Los Angeles after a video that showed him being beaten by the police who were white. It certainly applies here: Why can’t we all get along?!
I am happy to report that according to the JTA news service, the city of Bet Shemesh has decided to take down the wall. That is a good start. Now let us see if we can now all follow Rodney King’s advice.