A quick review of the Chicago Daf Yomi Siyum. It began a bit late but finished in a more or less timely fashion. Maariv was concluded about about 10:15 PM CDT.
The dais included Chicago’s two premiere Z’Kenim. Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin, Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe did the ‘Hadran’ after reading the last lines of Talmud Shas Bavli. Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Av Bet Din of both the RCA and the CRC began the new cycle by reading the first Mishnah in Brachos.
The rest of the dais included Roshei Yeshiva and Roshei Kollel of both the Lakewood variety and the Yeshiva University variety. It also included various Shul rabbis and Kiruv professionals.
In addition to the speakers in Chicago we heard two of the speakers from MetLife who were broadcast via a video feed: Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and the riveting Rabbi Yissahcar Frand. In my view the highlight of the evening was a brief but inspiring video of the history of Daf Yomi from its inception at the first Agudah convention via until the present. Over all, The Siyum was a job well done I thought. At least here in Chicago.
Except for Rabbis Kamenetsky and Frand, I have no clue how the “Big One” at MetLife went. I would therefore love to get some input from anyone who was there. Please feel free to share your thoughts – pro or con about how the evening went there. Who sat on the main dais? Was Rav Hershel Shachter there? Was there anyone from YU on the front Dais? Please let me know. How good were the speakers? Did anyone stand out? How much of it was in Yiddish?