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So here are a couple of things you should stop using immediately to effectively boycott the Jewish State called Israel.


If you are a serious anti Israel “boycotter”, you might want to punish the whole Jewish nation, why stop at Israel? Here is another short video that will help you with a list of services you should not touch.

So Many Israeli Things To Choose From to Boycott

There are numerous videos and sites that list thousands of companies and goods that are developed or were invented in Israel. These sites help the anti Israel “peace activist” to  financially punish the Zionist entity.

Two Can Play At This Game! Time To Fight Back!

I am sick and tired of this one way street boycott! Time to boycott all products developed or invented in the Palestinian controlled areas! Let’s start with……umm….

Anyone know of anything the Palestinians have ever contributed to humanity?

I know, it’s not fair. With Israel’s weapons blockade on Gaza, the Palestinians haven’t had a chance to produce anything.


Let’s broaden the Arab boycott attempt.

Let’s boycott anything coming from or developed in any of the Muslim regimes!

If a small Israel with six million Jews succeeded in developing and contributing thousands of cures, technologies and products to the world, there must be an endless list of products from the 22 Arab countries that have a whopping civilian population of over 400 MILLION people, right?

Please send any recommendations of Muslim or Arab goods I could boycott in response to all the Israel boycotts. I have yet to find anything from the last 500 years!

IDF “Thank You” Campaign!

There are only a couple of days left so NOW IS THE TIME!I will be delivering water packs to 400 IDF soldiers who spent the holidays on duty! The original goal of 200 packs was met but after receiving a request from a unit on the Northern border of Israel we have doubled the target!  Each pack cost only $25! We are still missing several sponsors so now’s your chance to show your support to IDF soldiers! Sponsor over 5 packs and receive an official IDF beret!



Don’t forget to join me on the IsraelShield Facebook Page as well as on @israel_shield on Twitter! One more thing, please let me know in the comments below what you thought about this post! 

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