
Ancient ‘Metzitza’ Practice Followed by Newer Custom of Haredi Bashing

Towards the end of last week, a story had come out about a new brochure issued by the NY City Health Dept. discouraging the...

Israel Recognizes Reform, Conservative Rabbis – Bloggers Start Your Engines!

First, the key points, as listed by Australian blogger Gary Dunn: Israel to Pay Wages of Reform, Conservative Rabbis Although the court ruled in 2009...

‘Media Be Dead’ and Other Mild Observations

MEDIA BE DEAD Almost 200 years ago, French painter Paul Delaroche declared, allegedly, "From today painting is dead," after he had learned about Daguerre's discovery...

Intimidation, Rebbes, Sages, Muslims, and the Proto-Apocalypse

My top pick for today is The Lid's fascinating entry titled: Convicted Terrorist Tries To Intimidate Blogger Stacy McCain Away From The Truth It's got everything,...

From Mein Kampf to Ruth, Now That’s Some Roundup

I was bored and so I Googled "Jewish jokes" and got this one. I chortled, I think you will, too. Cohen and Levy are both...

Surfing the Asifah, Now That’s a Roundup

Every opening to the outside world is a calculated risk. Every time we open a window we chance being shocked by something vile. Every...

Tibbi’s Roundup: It’s All in the Wrist

Our JBlogs Chief Reviewer Tibbi Singer brings you fresh recommendations on 12 new articles, plus reader mail and words of wisdom about sticking magnets under your skin (you shouldn't).

JBlog Roundup: Love and Marriage and Hate and Divorce and Blintzes

You want strange news? I'll give you strange news: According to a complaint filed in Federal Court, Nancy Genovese, a mother of three, was arrested...

JBlog Roundup: The Lessons of Nude Unicycling

I admit, I like a bizarre news story like the next gal. So I definitely had to click to read this item from the...

Being Gay and Orthodox Gets Really Complicated

Our recent discussions in the Jewish media of gay marriages and the conflict between being a faithful Jew and being gay reminded me of...

Tibbi’s Roundup: If You Knew What’s Going On in my Head You’d Blush

Not related to the image above which is just my treat to you, the same-sex story reminds me of the joke about a guy...

Tibbi’s Roundup: Bibi, Terrorist Lady, Rabbis, Parents, Children, and the Stuff In-Between

Our roundup today concludes with parental anxieties, which all of us with and without children share. It reminded me of the joke about a...

Tibbi’s Roundup: The Rebbe and the Dog

One of the questions posed to PM Netanyahu and his new coalition bride Shaul Mofaz by one of those pesky Israeli TV reporters was:...

Tibbi Singer’s Daily Roundup: Be the Best Sheigetz You Can Be…

This Jewish guy gets to a small town out in the hinterland, and in his kosher traveler's guide he finds a motel that's run...

Tibbi’s Roundup: ‘Asifa’ Organizers Snub Women, Lubavitch

Happy New Week. I'm trying a topical approach to my roundup, so I went trolling for new, interesting things about Lag Ba'Omer (only a...

Roundup: Organ Donation, Abomination, Beer Nation, Cross-Davenation, Plus the Settlers of Tel Aviv

It's the 12th of Iyar. On this day in the year 70, Roman General Titus breached the middle wall of Jerusalem (it was June...

Jblogs: It’s Methuselah Day

It's Iyar 11, the yahrzeit of Methuselah at the 969 years of age (according to one opinion). I suppose on this day Jewish geezers go down to the park and pass judgment on the pigeons (You call that pecking?). It's also the yahrzeit, in 1884, of Judah Philip Benjamin, the second Jewish senator in U.S. history (from Louisiana), who also served in the cabinet of President Jefferson Davis (yes, yes, they lost).

Jblogs: Are You an Anti-Semite if You Have Absolutely Nothing to Say about Jews?

We're a seriously self-obsessed nation, goes without saying. And if we spot you even mumbling something under your mustache or into your beer – we just know it was about us and how we control things, and grab your money and all that. But what if you say nothing about us – and you're Gore Vidal? Tricky, right? We'll answer that and 9 more mysteries after you click.

Jblogs: Five Ways to Show I’m not Pregnant and Then Some

It's my second batch so far, and all I can say is I'm frustrated beyond belief, because there's so much good, zesty stuff out there in Jewblogia, and I only get an hour or two to look for the best. For sure I missed great pearls today, and if you want to help me correct this inequity, a.) start a new blog against me, and, 2.) send me da links. I want my links to your work. Trip well, cruise safely, it should all be G rated, maybe PG-13, max.

JBlogs: Shalom Aleikhem Is Not What You Thought It Was

Our daily roundup of the Jblogosphere goes to Hirhurim, The Jew and the Carrot, Failed Messiah, and Cross Currents. We'll be here every weekday with whatever caught our attention out there. Your comments are welcome, and if you're a habitual Jblogger and just uploaded your heart online, please let us know so we'll come visit.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/jblogs/ancient-metzitza-practice-followed-by-newer-custom-of-haredi-bashing/2012/06/09/

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