Photo Credit: Stefano Giovannini /
Absolutely the finest image from last night's Asifah. Move over Andy Warhol, make room for VosIzNeias!

Reflections on the Internet Asifah People who claim that the enticements of alien values, pornography and heresy always existed, and that the internet doesn’t really change anything, are, frankly, naive. Of course these things always existed, but when they become vastly more easily accessible, they are going to be accessed by people (and especially children) who wouldn’t otherwise access them. In fact, people who claim that the Internet doesn’t change anything are precisely those people who need an Asifah that will open their eyes to the reality!
Natan Slifkin, Rationalist Judaism


Just good, practical advice.


The Protesters Most importantly, as you make your way into citified you will see people, if you can call them that, who will be protesting all kinds of narishkeit. Please don’t talk to them, they hate all rabonim and are apikorsim. Some of them even dress funny. Nothing they say is true and it is their lies that this Asifa is really all about. We know they are lies because the askanim said so. Mock them and Spit on them, like the chareidim in beit shemesh did, just please try not to let it get out on shmootztube this time.
Important Guidelines for the Asifa at Citifield

This next one is a harsh response to the one above (links to it).

Dovid Teitelbaum Has Finally Lost It It started with a nice respectable article about focusing on building up our children instead of demonizing the internet. But it didn’t take long for it to degenerate into wild-eyed feverish postings about conspiracies and cabals all out to pick Dovid Teitelbaum’s pocket.
Haredi And Proud


Now, this was a creative effort!

Funniest Tweets From Citi Field Anti-Internet Asifa We tracked the Twitter observations all through the evening, and selected some of the best ones to share with our readers. Some are funny, some are sarcastic and biting, but all have some measure of truth and reality that was missed by the organizers of the asifa. We hope you enjoy them.

There’s a double header tonite. Next up is the Amish versus the Automobiles.

I am missing my brother at the asifa. He was last seen wearing a white shirt, black jacket and hat and had glasses.

I’ve decided that I am only giving tzedaka to organizations via the Internet.
Al Kustanowitz, Jewish Humor Central


In our usual discussion of messianic redemption, we don’t often stop to think about Holy Revenge as part of the whole eternal peace thing. But it’s in there, and the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, who served a stint as the editor of the Jewish Press, was the Rebbe of Vengeance, if you will. Thank you, Hirhurim, for reminding us.

Kahanism and Vengeance
R. Kahane believes that exacting revenge is a great mitzvah. “There is nothing greater and more righteous than revenge in its place and time.” His argument is theological: When the wicked prosper, God’s providence becomes more hidden. By facilitating divine justice, the avenger increases awareness and the glory of God. Revenge is a Kiddush Hashem.
Hirhurim, Musings

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Tibbi Singer is a veteran contributor to publications such as Israel Shelanu and the US supplement of Yedioth, and Jewish Business News.