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    Hamas: Where the Truth Lies (Video)

    A video from the IDF Spokesperson about Hamas' propoganda

    Latma’s Rosh Hashanah Music Video

    Latma's Rosh Hashanah greetings music video. Enjoy!

    Our Egyptian Ally: More Confusion from Obama

    Soon after the attacks on American embassies in Egypt and Libya, Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan criticized President Obama for lack a clear and forceful message to the world. Soon after, the administration provided another example of why this was true, with Obama stating that Egypt was neither friend nor foe, while the State Department confirmed that Egypt is indeed an ally.

    Amb. Oren’s Wife Was Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane Groupie

    Sally "played Frisbee with the Grateful Dead and served as Jefferson Airplane’s muse."


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/jewish-press-blog/hamas-where-the-truth-lies-video/2012/11/18/

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