The Misinformation of Lauryn Hill
Hill's Israel concert was selling tickets for months. Had she even planned a concert in Ramallah?
Five Years On
THE 5-Year Plan
Aaaaaand…We’re Back!
"...people making jokes about turning this into a shelter rave, taking #bombshelterselfies..."
An Open Letter to Simone Zimmerman
Simone, because you are Bernie's new Jewish Outreach Director, you will be known to large swaths of the American population as a "Jewish representative," and that fact makes my stomach turn.
Wine, Cheese and Memories
I love a lot about Jerusalem. I love that even though it's hot, it's a dry heat with breezes. I love that it's a...
Rock the Vote (Part 2)
"Please stop shushing me" They kept shushing! Shushing seems to be how Leftists do Israeli politics!
One Last Shot Before I Go
If you are Israeli or a supporter of Israel, you know that the UN has ONE very important function. They are there to ruin the international reputation of Israel.
Looking For the Right One
I need a job, my friends. A real life, full-time, pay-the-bills, up at 7, home-after-nightfall JOB!
To Fear or Not To Fear
But I am not afraid.I know this is Jewish land, not because of UN/foreign gov'ts saying we can exist
The One with the Stairs
My stairs had been built, big and strong-BUT ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE APARTMENT!
Goodbye to the City of Gold
Trading the "Gold City" of Jerusalem for the famed "White City" Tel Aviv,,,And the story continues
Une Famille Juive
Majority of mourners were French, mourning both the slain and the loss of France's Jewish community
Jerusalem of Cold
And I know in Israel you have to be psyched when it rains-but I'm not there yet.
Let’s Go To the Mall!
Now I live in a country where every shop in the food court is kosher! I can have anything I want!
Aliyahversary, the Second!
My Aliyah continues to be the best decision I've ever made. But with any huge life decision there are peaks and valleys. And this year came with higher peaks and lower valleys than in my first year
A No Good, Very Bad Deal
I'm a realist; When an enemy screams "Death to Israel! Death to America!" I take it seriously.
House Hunters: Jerusalem
Apartment hunting is kinda like dating: You go see anything that looks right on paper-and pray.
My Declaration of Independence
I've decided to move away from my safety net-and I wouldn't change that decision for anything.
The Wandering Jew(ess)
Regardless of your opinion on the hareidi community, the food is delicious and super-duper kosher!
It’s Been 9 Years
9 years ago this week, the Israeli government forced 8,000 Jews from their homes and lives in Gaza.
Wouldn’t It Be Nice?
wouldn't it be so nice if Israel could just live in peace? REAL peace...
A Girl with Two Homes
Today is a month since I made aliyah! Was it only one month ago that I landed in Ben Gurion, clutching my teudat zehut,...
Taking the “Home” Out of Homeland
Jerusalem, mentioned 700 times in the Torah and not once in Koran, apparently isn't Israel's capital
My Friend Made Aliyah
The Floating Head at the Engagement Party
It was the "first family event I missed due to aliyah."
On Parades and Aliyah
Supporting Israel is great. Visiting Israel is great. Donating to Israel is great. Singing hatikva is great. Flying an Israeli flag is great--but none is the goal. Start thinking about aliya.
Lest Ye Be Judged
If I love Israel, do I actually have to hate America? What a stupid question, of course not!
Jordana Takes Tel Aviv: A Peace Summit on the 480
Two Jews on a bus going the same -yet opposite directions, to hopefully, the same place.
It’s Party Time!
I never felt an election resonate so much; I had true existential fear that my candidate might lose
Enough is Most Definitely Enough!
Now is the time to wave the flag, stand on a rooftop & scream "Am Yisrael Chai"--We are NOT leaving!