Josh Shapiro
Governor State of Pennsylvania
Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Fax: 717-772-8284
Dear Governor Shapiro,
You called Israel’s elected leader Benjamin Netanyahu “a dangerous and destructive force” and “one of the worst leaders of all time.” The people of Israel don’t agree with you, although after Oct. 7th they want to replace everybody who was in office on that date although the majority agree that the first priority is to win a war against Iran and its proxies. The people of Israel also resent America’s interference in their politics, and being treated as America’s little bitch.
I’m curious to know if you think Netanyahu is a worse leader than, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un , Ayatollah Khamenei, Bashar Al-Assad, Mohammed bin Salman, Donald J. Trump, Hassan Nasrallah and Hugo Chavez? I could go on and on, there are lots of terrible people ruling over countries, not one country as democratic as Israel.
Aside from Donald Trump, have you ever openly criticized any of the other worst leaders? If not, why just Netanyahu? Would this be to demonize him for embarrassing Obama over the disastrous nuclear deal he signed with Iran? Would it be to satisfy progressive and Arab Israel haters to help your party get elected? Did Bibi come on to your wife?
I would really like to know what is it about Netanyahu that pisses you off? My guess is that you can’t provide such a list or if you can, it is a list of crimes right out of the Palestinian victimhood manual.
Respectfully ours,
Larry Shapiro (not related as far as I know)