The Courage to Say ‘No!’
Abraham had to have the courage to challenge G-d if his descendants were to challenge human rulers, as Moses and the Prophets did.
Take the Miracle Shot
Take the SHOT!
How the Grinch stole Yom Kippur and Sukkot
Anybody in their right mind tries to avoid appearing before the King and getting a judgment, but if you survive it, you get to the most joyous time of the Jewish year, Sukkot, with its party atmosphere and family time.
A Jewish Husband? G-d Always has a Backup Plan!
Another first
The Vaccine. Let’s Get Real
I got the vaccine today and did not turn into a monkey (but I still like bananas).
B.C.E. and A.C.E. (Before the Corona Era and After the Corona Era).
Counting the years
The Tzadik Taxi Driver
Obviously, I needed to go to some time of emergency room to get some fast treatment. But it was Shabbat.
‘If you spot it you got it!’
One have to have a connection to be able to 'spot' it in others and when it triggers a negative response, it is because one is denying it in oneself.
Vaccinated in Israel: Jews are Saving the World Again!
These four men (ALL Jews) are for now humanity’s hope. If they succeed, the world will be a healthier place.
The Jewish Calendar: How Jewish Holidays are Based
New Year brings a new calendar. Here is a quick review. Shana Tova!
The Sky is Falling!
The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Time for some more lockdowns??!!
ELUL: ‘E-veryone L-onging U-nti-L Next Year
Be good as a person, as an individual, and your part of the world will become holy. Then, if others emulate you, the world will suddenly and automatically turn beautiful and hallowed. It is Elul.
Scare-Mongering Covid Deaths
Compare Apples to Apples
My Family Connection to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
My family connection to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who became a Dr, because of help from my great Uncle.
Bible’s First Knockdown: Noah on the Ark
AND 5 Biblical figures that Overcame Adversity (plus 1 that didn’t)
Are the Ten Commandments Still Relevant?
The Ten Commandments present a realistic portrayal of love and how to live harmoniously with people from all ethnic and racial backgrounds.
The New Holy Water
Alcohol – We have gone from drinking it to rubbing it on ourselves
A Helper Against Him
The Torah envisions two sets of eyes facing each other. Sometimes in agreement, sometimes in disagreement, as long as they are opposite each other. This was G-d’s plan to avoid loneliness,
The Mask: The loss of our smiles!
As is true regarding everything in life, nothing is perfect, and ZOOM, which is great, gives each individual participant options to mute oneself and to turn off the video, leaving a black screen with just a name identifying the person. There are many advantages to this for the participant. He/she can take phone calls, eat and drink without disturbing others, and play games instead of focus on the Zoom class.
The shutting down of the video camera decreases and almost eliminates the connection that we so desire and cherish. The ability to see a person’s face allows for a meaningful ‘connection’ to each participant. Without, Zoom becomes just a taped Youtube class.
Which Jewish Holiday is Celebrated Twice a Year?
Happy Aliyah Day!
Acts of Compassion for the Victims of Lockdowns that Do Not Work
Divorced from facts, reality, and reason, compassion can lead to actions that do more harm than good. Harming people through lockdown measures, even if done in the name of compassion, is still harming people.
Is Tzom Gedaliah Canceled for 2020? — Pros and Cons
Today during our current epidemic, Doctors and Rabbis have stated that anyone over 60 is at great risk from this new flu (younger people don’t seem to be as affected). It is not much of a stretch than using common sense, that even if you are in good health, anyone over 60 should not fast, and of course, if you are not in good health, no matter what your age you should not fast.
The $750 question
Reporting only part of the Facts-Lies at election time.
“There’s No Place Like Home!”
They have to leave their old lives behind and not mourn for them but face a new world.