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iPhones. The devil does not provide as much frum attention as the iPhone does.

Some of the things you cannot do if you own an iPhone:


There is a new one being added to the list..

Rav Ovadiah Yosef’s son-in-law, Rav Aharon Butbol, said on his radio show this past Friday that anybody with an iPhone cannot lead the services in shul and be the chazzan. Rav Butbol said that everyone sins, but most people regret their sins. However, someone with an iPhone sins regularly and that is the type of person called “baal aveira” in the Shulchan Aruch, and such a person cannot be the chazzan.

Rav Butbol does qualify his statement by adding that if one goes into shul and the chazzan has an iPhone, of course he should respond amen to the chazzan’s brachot, and he should for sure continue to daven there.. but if he has a choice to select a chazzan, he should select one without an iPhone…
(source: Kikar)
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Rafi Goldmeier has been living in Israel for 34 years, with his wife and kids, three of whom are participating actively in the war efforts.