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20,000 Attend Funeral of Lone Soldier Sean Carmeli HaYa”D

IDF volunteers come to Israel just to serve are the true idealists; Sean Carmeli was one of them.

Yom Ha’atzma’ut Explosion of Joy 66

The Evening Prayer includes dancing and singing plus a long shofar blowing to remind us the siren is modeled on the shofar.

It’s Not Even Purim Yet, But Don’t Tell the Plants

Some pictures I took yesterday while wandering around the neighborhood on my "fitness walk."

What a Difference Five 5 Pounds, Two Plus 2+ Kilo Make

I finally realized/accepted/admitted that my weight had gone up a bit.

Found It!

Even though my eyes aren't the same, the glasses still work.


They were almost directly over my head.

Always Performing

She just kept on singing and singing at the top of her lungs.

I Felt a Bit Dumb and Confused

I have no idea who that tzaddik is, but I sure enjoyed his taste in music.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/shiloh-musings/20000-attend-funeral-of-lone-soldier-sean-carmeli-hayad/2014/07/23/

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