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The Muqata

    Gideon Levy and His Gush Etzion Delusions

    Levy claimed the Gush Etzion junction was forcibly stolen from the Arabs - but that never happened, except in Levy's imagination.

    Zionist Rabbis Pull Out of Rally Unless ‘Yated’ Retracts and Apologizes

    The Haredi community may need to add some Mussar learning to their Gemorah learning.

    History of Israel: Snow in the Summer

    Two people have reported snow in the late May-early June, though in both cases, it was hearsay.

    Surviving an IRS Audit in Israel

    Numerous Americans in Israel have received their $1000 tax credits per child. Now Uncle Sam wants to make sure you deserved to get it.

    Chanukah Special: Biblical Archeology Second Temple Artifact Found

    Jameel writes about a fascinating archeological find that might very well be related to Chanukah.

    Are People That Stupid?

    Once again irresponsible residents caused a security call-out, this time, someone was seriously injured.

    Best UN Decision Ever: Gaza Marathon Cancelled

    The UNRWA cancelled a marathon in Gaza because women would be banned from participating.

    Hamas = ISIS [video]

    Hamas's online Jihadi supporters and groupies are desperately trying to differentiate between their support for Hamas and supporting ISIS.

    Yishai Fleisher’s Hate Speech in the NY Times

    Some NY Times editors believe that discussing alternatives to the two-state solution constitutes hate speech.

    Review: A History of the Palestinian People – From Ancient Times to the Modern...

    Assaf A. Voll has written one of the most comprehensive books on the history of the Palestinian People.

    Has American Society Become Insanely Hypersensitive?

    It is time that this hypersensitivity got toned down. Save it for real racism.

    Restoring Deterrence

    The IDF is embarrassed to fight to win, the politicians are afraid to give them orders to fight.

    Blue & White’s Antisemitic Election Campaign

    The Blue & White campaign ad implies there are too many dedicated religious Jews and we're dirtying up Israel.

    The March of the 35: A Bravery Fiercer than Death (Video)

    65 years ago this week, 35 student soldiers set out from Jerusalem to bring much needed supplies to the kibbutzim in the besieged Etzion Bloc south of the city.

    My Email Exchange with Hassan Nasrallah

    I just had the most unusual email exchange with Hassan Nasrallah.

    Ron Dermer’s Profound Insight at AIPAC

    Trump's Jerusalem Declaration has historical ramifications that go far beyond just moving the embassy.

    Waiting for an Aid Flotilla to Yarmouk

    Yarmouk is the opportunity for "Pro-Palestinian" groups to prove they aren't just anti-Israel.

    If You’re Not Flying Mehadrin, You’re Not Flying

    The solution to the friction with Hareidim on El Al flights is so simple and obvious, it amazes me that it hasn't been implemented yet.

    The Peace Train Has Left the Station

    The silly people on the left have created a new campaign to try and force the rest of the country to capitulate to their suicidal fantasies, this time by riding trains and imposing themselves onto other people's conferences.

    Useful Idiocy Not a Valid Legal Defense, Israeli Court Rules

    Not only could Rachel Corrie have prevented her own death, but Corrie was used by the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement.

    Flying Back to the US? Better Ask your Accountant First, You Could Get Arrested

    U.S. taxpayers traveling to the United States with unpaid U.S. tax assessments can be detained at the border, questioned, and flagged for follow-up enforcement. If a taxpayer has an unpaid tax liability and is subject to a resulting Notice of Federal Tax Lien, the IRS may submit identifying taxpayer information to the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS), a database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

    RAND’s Ridiculous Assumptions on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    The RAND report's hypothetical scenarios are based on false assumptions, immoral considerations, failed concepts and impossible scenarios.

    The Fall of Tadmor (to ISIS)

    "Said Rabbi Yochanan: Happy are those who see the fall of Tadmor..." (Talmud Yerushalmi)

    Did Iran and Russia Just Save Israel?

    Refocusing on domestic issues, maybe Obama will leave Israel alone.

    Day After Day: Palestinians Attack MDA Ambulances

    In what has become a daily occurrence, Palestinians are routinely throwing rocks at Magen David Adom ambulances,  smashing windshields and seriously endangering the MDA medical crews.

    How to Annoy Abbas – All of Eretz Yisrael is OURS!

    Sick of the Palestinians displaying their "map of Palestine"? Nothing will enrage them more than this map.

    A Personal Message From Rav Yehudah Glick

    Yehuda Glick wrote down a message for everyone this morning.

    Who Gained From the Sinai Attack?

    I’ve been wavering back and forth on this, but more and more people I’ve proposed this theory to are beginning to say that there...

    Efrat Residents’ Song of Praise

    In honor of Israel's 72nd Independence Day, Efrat residents Rabbi Shlomo Katz and Moshe Kesselman released a song.

    Give an Inch – Steal a Kidney

    JoeSettler's warning came too late, automatic government-authorized organ harvesting has begun.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/muqata/gideon-levy-and-his-gush-etzion-delusions/2016/03/06/

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