Photo Credit: Moshe Milner/GPO/FLASH90
PM Benjamin Netanyahu with Yishai and Tamar Fogel, survivors of an Arab terror attack which killed their parents and 3 siblings.

Points this article makes:

– The so called construction surge consisted of a mere 6,062 Jewish-owned homes, built over 4 years.


– Settlements are not allowed to build their fair share of homes compared to the national average and population size.

– Under Netanyahu, settlement construction has slowed down, not increased.

– Under Netanyahu, the settlement population growth rate has slowed down, not increased.

– The AP article discussing settlers and settlements liberally quotes a radical left-wing NGO, but doesn’t quote any settlers or right-wing NGOs.

– Palestinian Authority Arabs have their own government which doesn’t permit them to vote.


All data from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reports, AP claims their data is from the CBS:


Construction Completions: Comparing Judea and Samaria to the National Average 2010-2013

Year National Construction Excluding J&S J&S % from National
2010 33,311 31,641 1,670 5.01%
2011 34,301 32,619 1,682 4.90%
2012 37,569 36,298 1,271 3.38%
2013 42,668 41,229 1,439 3.37%
Total 147,849 141,787 6,062 Average: 4.10%


Population Sizes: Comparing Judea and Samaria to the National Average 2008-2013

Year National Population Excluding J&S Just J&S J&S as % of Population Annual J&S Increase
2008 7,412,200 7,131,100 281,100 3.79%
2009 7,552,000 7,255,000 297,000 3.93% 15,900
2010 7,695,100 7,391,200 303,900 * 3.95% 6,900 *
2011 7,836,600 7,511,100 325,500 4.15% 21,600
2012 7,984,500 7,643,100 341,400 4.28% 15,900
2013 8,134,500 7,778,000 356,500 4.38% 15,100

* Settlement population size for 2010 (10-month Settlement Freeze) was estimated by


CBS statistics reports used for this article:

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