The Constant Question
Jewish Press Online wishes the new Selena Myers, one of our favorite bloggers, a hearty MAZAL TOV!
The Threat IS Real
I never want to choose between being British or Jewish but if it came to it I’d choose a yellow star
Pesach’s Message for Modern Times
We are at our strongest when we are united, and we are never more united than when we feel pain. We are not free, we never will be-until Mashiach
A Flickering Flame
Slowly, Jewish core characteristics are fading. Sadly, we’re blending in, no longer a nation apart.
The Simple Life
Judaism is all about celebration. Between the simchas and the holidays, there are many occasions for celebrating, But the expense-oh the expense!
Praying for People, Not Pleasure
Easy lives create simple people; hard lives create strong people; Let Israel be strengthened by this
Welcome to Motherhood
Then I realised – I was a mother. I was the person this little girl looked to when she wanted to share her happiness or be comforted through her sadness.
Fighting Back The Fear
I find myself rushing through a shopping center because it seems like a likely target. Is nowhere safe anymore?
Connect To Disconnect
Both "Half-Shabbat" & R’ Yosef's opinion champion an extreme. There most certainly is a happy medium
Different Style; Same Smile
I hope in time people look past my sheitl to see the fun/silly/daft & sometimes stupid real me again
Beating the Odds
A daughter's loving present to her ailing father, a famous chazzan, on his birthday
Remembering Dark Days
I walked out of Majdanek concentration camp knowing that decades ago, no one else was able to.
No Labour of Love
Are Jewish people safe in Britain?
The Born Identity
"Mispachology": Theory you share a common link with someone you’ve never met or been in contact with
Here To Say We’re Here To Stay
If Palestinians punch, they get scolded; if Israelis punch back, they get international condemnation
Bridging Fear and Faith: Do You Feel Safe?
The cabbie, Mohammed said to me,"I'm supposed to hate you. That's what we believe. But I don't."
Rabin’s Right To Live
Those who called for Rabin's death are no better than the assassin who pulled the trigger.
Natural Faith
While we lavish in the good times and praise G-d, we must suffer through the bad ones....and STILL praise G-d
July 10 – It’s THAT Time Again
Who knows what the future holds? So I’ll stop making Hashem laugh at my plans & start smiling at His
Breaking Out of The Box
The 'box issue' seems to be a notion that everyone can be categorized, which is most certainly a lie
Young, Free and on a Travel Spree
I know this is how the religious world works, and I'm part of it, I can't support teenage matrimony
EU’re Out!
I think as British Jews, our fear should be that extremist politicians now have the chance to seize their seats in our house of commons.
Powerful Knowledge or Blissful Ignorance?
At what age should the realization start setting in for kids that we live in an uncertain society?
Inspirational Living
What actually inspires me? What do I see or do that really leaves me speechless and breathless? I realized that I had no answer and that upset me. Deeply.
It’s Trump Time
A view on Trump from across the pond. Jewish Press blogger, Selena Myers, expounds on the changing of THE Guard in Washington.
Come Back to Reality
Many look at other people’s lives as posted to Social Media and just feel jealous
Trusting Your Religion
Some say that we have the ability to choose so that we can shape our lives and undergo tests impartially. The way I see it, free-will is a gift of trust.
To Be Or Not To Be – That Is The Question
“You’ve been out on enough dates, are you going to marry him?” Many times I’ve choked at this point.
The Divided Kingdom
Every morning, without fail, there is a new story about anti-Semitism, attacks on Jews, anger towards Israeli policy and another disgraceful act Jeremy Corbyn has done in the past.
Finding Strength Through a Higher Power
With it seems more lives than a cat, I now recognize Hasgacha Pratis is HaShem's involvement in life