Last week, I was abroad and was sat in the only Kosher restaurant in the country. I was enjoying my dinner whilst my friend sparked up a conversation with a couple on the table next to ours. It turned out they knew exactly who I was but this time, I wasn’t surprised – I merely smiled. Even though I want to go on holiday to get away from real life, get some breathing space from anything related to home and live a little, it warmed my heart to know that I’m never truly outside of my Jewish bubble. The fact of the matter is; we all need to stick together to keep the world of hatred apart.
It has taken me some time but slowly, I’ve come to appreciate how I’m seen, even though it may sometimes be for having a particular surname. I’m immensely proud that my dad touched so many lives that people feel the need to connect to mine because of it. I guess it has given me something to achieve to uphold such an honoured character. One day I hope to be known for what I’ve personally accomplished, but until then, I’ll happily be my father’s daughter.
So here goes: I’m Selena Chait of Liverpool and yes, I’m Cantor Chait’s youngest child.