Photo Credit: Imperial War Museum
Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence (L) with officers of the Arab Bureau in Cairo: Commander D G Hogarth (M), an Arabic scholar who was Director of the Arab Bureau in Cairo, and Lieutenant Colonel Alan Dawnay, one of the Bureau's officers.

Isn’t that my “Medad Fraction Principle?”

The Medad Fraction Principle: That in order to divide something, sometimes you need to enlarge it first.

The one that asserts that to enable an equitable solution to the conflict over the Jewish National Home in the Land of Israel, the territory involved is too small and the area which includes currently the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan must be involved.

There is not enough room between the sea and the river for both the Jews and a fictitious “Palestinian people”.

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Yisrael Medad resides in Shiloh and is a foreign media spokesperson for the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities.