TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 96: False Prophets
Sanhedrin 96: Is time non-linear?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 95: What Goes Around Comes Around
Sanhedrin 95: Seriously? God was a barber?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 93: False Messiah
Sanhedrin 93: Can the Messiah smell a rat?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 92: Wealth/Fame/Fortune
Sanhedrin 92: What is the value of wisdom?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 90: Supernatural
Sanhedrin 90: When is a miracle not impressive?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 89: False Prophets
Sanhedrin 89: Define who is a false prophet?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 88: Positive Character Traits
Sanhedrin 84: Can you list who will merit the World to Come?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 84: Honoring One’s Parents
Sanhedrin 84: A child who hits his parent deserves what?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 83: FASHION
Sanhedrin 83: Do clothes make the man?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 82: Leadership/Power
Sanhedrin 82: What is the entrepreneurial spirit?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 81: Positive Character Traits
Sanhedrin 81: Is there a time and place for extremism?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 80: Honoring One’s Parents
Sanhedrin 80: Should a child be allowed to call his father by his name?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 79: Prison/Jail
Sanhedrin 79: How to keep our cities safe from murderers?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 78: Capital Punishment
Sanhedrin 78: How to get away with murder?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 77: Capital Punishment
Sanhedrin 77: What is the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder?
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 76: DATING
Sanhedrin 76: Define "dirty old man"
TPT Presents: Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Sanhedrin 75: Women’s Issues
Sanhedrin 75: Torah VS the Kama Sutra
Sanhedrin 73: SIN as a GOOD THING
Sanhedrin 73: Can you save someone from himself?
Sanhedrin 72: MURDER
Sanhedrin 72: Can the fetus be a murderer?
Sanhedrin 71: WRITTEN TORAH
Sanhedrin 71: Could parts of the Torah be only theoretical?
Sanhedrin 70: A Talmudic social drinking and happy hour?
Sanhedrin 69: RAISING KIDS
Sanhedrin 69: At the age of 26 a great-grandfather?
Sanhedrin 68: SUPERNATURAL
Sanhedrin 68: Homegrown food made with magic?
Sanhedrin 67: SORCERY
Sanhedrin 67: Do male sorcerers also fly on brooms?
Sanhedrin 66: BLACK MAGIC
Sanhedrin 66: Had the Pied Piper been Jewish, then what?
Sanhedrin 64: WITCHCRAFT
Sanhedrin 64: Does idolatry includes mental slavery?
Sanhedrin 63: Getting on the Wrong Side of God
Sanhedrin 63: How did the letter "Vav" save the Jewish nation?
Sanhedrin 62: Immoral Behavior
Sanhedrin 62: Is there really accidental sex?
Sanhedrin 61: MEDITATION
Sanhedrin 61: MEDITATION
Jewish Foes of Trump’s Gaza Plan Remain Hamas’s ‘Useful Idiots’
The latest celebrity petition about the post-Oct. 7 war is yet another example of how the “as a Jew” crowd expresses their identity by supporting those who seek Jewish genocide.