Photo Credit: courtesy
The People's Talmud

*Editor’s Note: The Jewish Press Online is proud to present a daily “Brain Teaser,” from  The People’s Talmud website. Created by Rabbi Gedalia Gurfein, The People’s Talmud is unique in presentation, dynamic and engaging in approach, and it might just be the most fun and informative trip to the Talmud ever. Buckle up and ENJOY! Remember, Learning Talmud is a blessing!

Every so often we through in a “Random” Brain Teaser not related to the Daf Yomi but rather related, in one way or another, to something very current in our lives or the world around us. Think of “Random Brain Teasers” as the Joker in the deck!


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How to shovel snow!

Instead of Baba Kama 36

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Gedaliah Gurfein, Rabbi, writer, and innovator is the creator of the website The People’s Talmud ( This free-access site is dedicated to sharing Talmudic wisdom. A Jewish educator for more than 40 years, he has also worked in Israel's high tech sector and with film media. [email protected]