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The People's Talmud

Welcome to The People’s Talmud (TPT), the most fun and informative Talmud trip ever. Buckle up and ENJOY! Remember, Learning Talmud is a blessing!

Are you doing the Daf Yomi or wish you were? Check out the Brain Teaser and test yourself if you caught this info as the daf flew by! And if not, don’t feel bad, just click the link below and you’ll get the answer you missed.

Daf Yomi Brain Teasers



Can the Messiah smell a rat?

Sanhedrin 93: False Messiah

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Gedaliah Gurfein, Rabbi, writer, and innovator is the creator of the website The People’s Talmud ( This free-access site is dedicated to sharing Talmudic wisdom. A Jewish educator for more than 40 years, he has also worked in Israel's high tech sector and with film media. [email protected]