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PreOccupied Territory

    You Zionists Are Trying To Kidnap What We Arabs Have Rightfully Stolen

    Florin from the Princess Bride visits (in words) the Kingdom of the Jews

    Ayatollahs Realize US Would, By Contrast, Veto Any UN Resolution Against Iran

    “Obama.’s been angling to abandon Israel since before he took office.”

    Police Suggest Jews Wear Special Yellow Stars For Protection

    Spotting Jews will become a matter of seconds, rather than having to ask around, which can waste precious minutes during an altercation in which a Jew might defend himself.

    2050 CE: Annexation Any Day Now, Assures Bibi

    “I think he means it,” argued Yesha Freier of the nationalist Jewish Right at Home Party.

    Man Torn Between Wanting Return To Normal And Having Excuse Not To Go To...

    “I’m not looking forward to when things open up and my wife starts asking why I’m not going.”

    Family Makes Aliyah Just To Escape All-Pervasive Christmas Music

    While acknowledging Zionism in their upbringings, they talked mainly of getting the hell out of the discordant dystopia.

    What’s Important Is I Don’t IDENTIFY As An anti-Semite

    Only the Jewish-controlled media--supported by Jewish money--have the power to spread such falsehoods as my being an antisemite.

    COVID Guidelines Almost As Coherent As Case For Palestinian Statehood

    “We find slightly more support for the idea that Israel should rely on existential enemies to help guarantee its security.”

    Israelis Can’t Wait To Spread Obnoxious Tourist Reputation To UAE, Oman, Bahrain

    Israeli travelers took to focusing on what they do best while out of the country: making themselves and their countrymen look like spoiled, whiny, provincial ingrates.

    Gaza Mourns 6′ Tall, Bearded Kindergartener Killed By Israel

    He met his end in a tunnel that IAF jets pounded with bombs the Thursday night before last, along with six other Palestinian toddlers in their twenties

    Israelis Hoping Livni Accepts UN Post So She Can Bring That Organization Down Too!

    Israelis look forward to Livni’s eventual impact on the UN, which, if Livni’s record serves as an indicator, will descend into irrelevance and impotence.

    Abbas Honors Pigeon That Pooped On Netanyahu’s Motorcade

    The defecation took place last week, as Netanyahu’s motorcade made its way through Jerusalem. Bibi has had it tough with birds: Obama compared him to 'chickensh*t' and now this. How FOWL!

    Police Assure Lod Jews Pogrom Anti-Zionist, NOT Antisemitic

    "All the unrest you have experienced this week is merely anti-Zionist, and you may therefore unburden yourselves of the anxiety over antisemitism.”

    Khamenei Disappointed Not To Be Named Part Of Biden Transition Team

    The Ayatollah grew to think he established almost a birthright to shape US Iran policy during the Obama administration.

    BDS Protesters Using Banners Made In Jewish Settlements

    Signs of the times: BDS signs made beyond "Green Line" BDS is 'black and blue' from 'Blue and White'

    US Complains It Was Not Notified of Israel Sukkah-Building Frenzy

    Aides to US President Barack Obama expressed displeasure today over not being informed of plans to assemble tens of thousands of makeshift residential structures over the last week in Jewish communities in areas both Israel and the Palestinians claim.

    Sire, Haman’s Lottery For When To Kill The Jews Promotes Gambling

    Sire, just because Eilat is considering legalizing gambling, doesn't make it good for Shushan!

    Non-Arab Iran Willing To Fight Israel and the West Down To Very Last Arab

    We are fighting a fight of survival. But it’s not our survival that’s at stake. We’ll be fine. Can’t say the same for the Arabs of the region, though.”

    Jews Have Gall To Desecrate Al Aqsa Compound By Existing Near It

    Jews view the Temple Mount, the site of two ancient shrines and the focal point of Jewish longing for thousands of years, as the most sacred location in their religion, but no one cares what Jews think or feel.

    Rabbinate To Charge Non-Kosher Restaurants For Non-Kosher Certification

    Establishments pursuing a more elite non-kosher clientele will also enjoy more expensive options such as certification that the establishment uses or serves wine consecrated or offered to idolatry.

    Holocaust Deniers Fear For Future Of Denial As Original Deniers Die Off

    Even a soldier who was only seventeen at war’s end would be pushing ninety today.

    Only Possible Conclusion From Unpopularity Of Party’s Ideas: Voters Stupid

    “Essentially, the people are wrong for thinking Palestinians trying to kill us means we shouldn’t give Palestinians greater capacity to kill us,” explained Chairwoman Zahava Gal-On.

    Amnesty International To Merge With Hamas (Satire)

    “It’s a natural synergy of goals and talents,” says AI spokesman.

    Court-Ordered to Fire Minister Deri, Bibi to Nominate Him as Supreme Court Justice

    "Aryeh, I see you on the court, bringing to bear a sensibility that those cloistered, wealthy 'intellectuals' could never muster."

    Corrupt Elite Fears Losing Control Of Courts To Different Corrupt Elite

    “Ours is the noble kind of corruption. The democratic kind. Theirs is the fascist kind.” Jerusalem, February 9 – A proposed ...

    Israel Quickly Hides Dams To Undermine Gaza Flood Claims

    It was in fact Israel, not Palestinians or journalists, who began spreading the older photos, in order to generate credibility for the “slander” angle.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/preoccupied-territory-blogs/you-zionists-are-trying-to-kidnap-what-we-arabs-have-rightfully-stolen/2022/12/09/

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