Deep State vs. Israel
We’re up against a powerful enemy at home—a deep state within Israel that’s undermining our fight and targeting Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government.
Holding the Line Against Hamas Governance in the Gaza Strip
This isn’t about an “occupation." It is a religiously inspired genocide against the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
The Changes Caused by October 7
Since October 7th, Israel has undergone a dramatic shift in its strategy—one that has transformed the nation’s position in the region.
The Shadows We Have in Common
Israel’s deep state and the US deep state are deeply connected.
A Nation Awakened: Israel’s Painful Path to Unity and Strength
Many have come to realize the hard truth for the first time that Israelis have wanted to avoid facing for decades: that we are up against a genocidal enemy called the "Palestinian national identity."
Ari Fuld, Homesh and Amona with Avi Abelow
Last week the Israeli government destroyed some buildings in the Jewish community of Homesh in the hills of Samaria. Do not miss this special broadcast to understand it all.
The Left Are Never Right
Time after time, the left are repeatedly wrong. It's an historical fact.
The Audacity of US Jewish Opposition to Jewish Resettlement of Gaza
These same organizations were among the most vocal supporters of the 2005 Gaza Disengagement, and we know what that got us.
Black Lives Matter Activists Celebrate Cop Killing
Police officers were shot, and this was the reaction.
Watch: Palestinian Arabs are Going Absolutely Mad
Their web of lies is coming apart!
Time to Reclaim Gaza’s Jewish Heritage
Blinken was once again in Israel, loudly joining the significant international pressure on Israel to withdraw its forces and agree to a ceasefire with...
The Judicial Reform Protest Movement is Doomed to Failure
This fight is about whether Israel remains a Jewish state or not.
Netanyahu’s Speech and the Attack on Majdal Shams
Humanity is starving for leadership to call out today’s ongoing struggle between good and evil and lead us accordingly. Netanyahu stepped in to fill the void.
Esther Wachsman: A Mother’s Strength, A Nation’s Loss
She met with U.S. Presidents, Israeli Prime Ministers, top military officials, and global media figures, tirelessly advocating for her son and the people of Israel.
Context is King – A Response to JPost’s Yaakov Katz
After seeing the JPost editor-in-chief's opinion piece libeling Israeli society as racist, I then called upon my followers to stop reading the Jerusalem Post.
Dave Rubin in Jerusalem
Avi Abelow interviews Dave Rubin during his visit in Jerusalem.
Avi Abelow Interviews Miriam Fuld
An interview with Miriam Fuld on Ari's 4th Yahrzeit.
What I Think about Trump’s Plan for Gaza
A lot of people are asking, so here you go...
Biden Tried to Stop Us…
Netanyahu succeeded where Biden failed.
Netanyahu Stands Alone as the Defender of the Free World
Under Netanyahu’s leadership, Israel has achieved what no other country could even dream of.
Biden’s Morally Reprehensible Sanctions on Israelis
Speaking out against the funneling of aid to Gaza to be stolen by Hamas is not a crime.
Applying Israel’s Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria
A Strategic Imperative for US Foreign Policy and Trump's 'Peace Through Strength' Doctrine.
Rabbis Efrem Goldberg and Shay Shachter on the Israel-Diaspora Connection
The rabbis discussed how to strengthen the connection to Israel for Jews still in Galut.
What is Behind the Deal President Trump is Pressuring Israel to Make with Hamas?
Why would Trump, who has built his reputation on peace through strength, be pressuring Israel into such an agreement? It doesn’t align with his previous declarations.
Lord Balfour Declared, President Trump Implemented
On November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration appeared on the world stage.
USAID vs. Israel
USAID was weaponized against Israeli society.
The Prophecy of the Orange Ribbon
In 2005, many Israelis wore orange to protest the immoral, disastrous Israeli disengagement from Gaza.
Historic Peace Agreements Signed Without Israel Paying a Price
Did Israel really pay a price regarding F-35s, Sovereignty, or a Palestinian State?
He / Her / What?!
A synagogue I used to pray in now lets you choose bathroom and prayer sections based on how you identify.
Israel Will Overcome the Biden Administration’s Backstabbing
Appeasing terrorists for the sake of political expediency endangers not just Israel but America itself.