Photo Credit: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)

Senator Ted Cruz described Netanyahu’s recent speech in Congress as “Churchillian.” Humanity is starving for leadership to call out today’s ongoing struggle between good and evil and lead us accordingly. Netanyahu stepped in to fill the void.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in Congress presented a powerful message about Israel’s role as the frontline in the global battle between freedom and tyranny. His address was met with numerous standing ovations and applause, a testament to the deep hunger for strong, principled leadership in a world that seems increasingly bereft of it, particularly within Western democracies. The one country that the world is looking up to lead us in these turbulent times is the United States of America, but President Biden and VP Harris continuously pressure Israel to appease Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, the powers of tyranny, instead of supporting Israel, the side of good.


Netanyahu’s speech addressed not only the immediate geopolitical issues facing Israel but also the need to reinforce the moral clarity that has been missing from the discourse in many Western countries. The resounding support he received was a clear signal of how much the world yearns for leadership that stands firm against evil and champions the cause of freedom.

While Netanyahu’s words were stirring and significant, they will most probably make little difference in the foreign policy direction of the Biden/Harris administration. We are already seeing this in response to the latest Hezbollah attack on Israel that killed 12 Israeli Druze children playing soccer in the Israeli Druze village of Majdal Shams.

Israel must respond forcefully to end this Iranian aggression via its proxy state Lebanon, yet the Biden/Harris administration is putting tremendous pressure upon Israel to do precisely the opposite. This policy emboldens Iran and the Hezbollah-run state of Lebanon to continue its aggression against Israel and endanger Israeli lives.

One would have hoped that PM Netanyahu’s speech would have made a dent to stop this Biden/Harris administration appeasement policy. Instead, Netanyahu’s speech’s true impact is upon the Jewish people worldwide. The pride and unity that his appearance in Congress inspired among Jews across the globe cannot be overstated. His presence and the enthusiastic reception he received from both Democrats and Republicans served as a powerful reminder of the strong bond between Israel and its supporters abroad.

The Biden administration, along with other Western governments, is likely to continue its approach of pressuring Israel and seeking compromises with adversaries such as Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as we see after this horrific Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams, murdering innocent children.

While the Biden/Harris foreign policy is about containing Iran to hold it back from joining the axis of Russia and China, Iran already is very much an integral ally of Russia and China. Instead of stopping Iran, the Biden/Harris policy direction stops Israel from ending the Iranian aggression in the Middle East while giving the green light to other tyrannical countries in the world to go on the offensive without fearing dire consequences from the US or the international community.

In this context, Netanyahu’s speech served a dual purpose: it bolstered Jewish pride and solidarity while also highlighting the shortcomings of current international approaches to Israel, the Middle East, and globally.

A significant moment for Israel and the Jewish people, it provided much-needed inspiration and support, reminding us of the deep connection between Israel and its supporters worldwide and underscoring the need for strong leadership.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of international diplomacy and security, especially as we still haven’t even begun to end the Iranian terror threat of Lebanon, we must remain vigilant and be thankful that the world has a leader like Netanyahu who stands firmly for our rights and works to ensure that Israel remains secure and strong.

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Avi Abelow is a social media activist for Israel and the Jewish people, Editor of and the