Photo Credit: IDF
IDF Chief of the General Staff LTG Herzi Halevi approves strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon from the IDF Headquarters Underground Operations Center. Sept. 23, 2024

Oct 7th, 2023 was the worst tragedy to befall the Jewish people since the Holocaust, a tragedy that will be remembered year after year in Jewish history.

Now, let’s focus on the year since Oct. 7th.


In one of the most challenging and dangerous moments in Israel’s modern history, Netanyahu has guided the nation through unprecedented threats, transforming Israel’s strategic position in ways few thought possible. Despite the immense challenges, he has delivered results that have placed Israel in its strongest position in decades.

One year ago, on October 7th, 2023, our enemies—Hamas, Hezbollah, and the entire Iranian terror apparatus—launched a war with the goal of massacring as many Jews as possible and ultimately destroying Israel. This was the culmination of a strategy pursued by Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, supported by Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority, for years. Yet, for too long, Israel, including many previous Netanyahu led governments, had held back, reluctant to take the full-scale actions needed to neutralize these threats that surround us.

It took the horrific atrocities of October 7th for the Israeli leadership to make the decisions that would not only stop our enemies in their tracks but also change Israel’s place in the region. Under Netanyahu’s leadership, we’ve seen Israel not just survive but emerge stronger than ever.

Before we dive into the strategic victories, let’s take a moment to recognize the miracles that occurred on that fateful day. Without any clear explanation, Hamas decided to launch their infiltration without first informing their backers in Iran or Hezbollah. Why does this matter? Because Iran had planned a simultaneous ground invasion by Hezbollah into Northern Israel—an attack that would have also involved mass killings, rapes, and kidnappings of Israeli civilians, coordinated at the same time as Hamas’ atrocities in the South. As if that is not enough, at the same time, Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq were prepared to rain missiles down on Israel.

Had this plan gone ahead as intended, Israel could have been destroyed. But because of this miscoordination, Israel had the opportunity to defend itself on only one front, saving the nation from a potential catastrophe.

The second miracle was the spontaneous courage of hundreds of ordinary Israelis. While the IDF took hours to mobilize, hundreds of civilian heroes took it upon themselves to defend their communities. Some had weapons, some didn’t—but they all acted with the bravery of King David, stopping what could have been a much larger massacre. Their heroism saved thousands of lives and prevented the tragedy from spreading.

Since October 7th, Israel has undergone a dramatic shift in its strategy—one that has transformed the nation’s position in the region. For decades, Israel has been surrounded by Iranian-backed terror groups, and the biggest obstacle to dealing with Iran’s nuclear threat was always Hezbollah’s presence in the North. We were warned time and time again that Hezbollah’s precision long range rockets could destroy Israel, and that any action against Iran would trigger a devastating response from Hezbollah.

But today, thanks to Netanyahu’s leadership, Israel is in the process of neutralizing not just Hamas in Gaza but also Hezbollah in Lebanon. Even more, Israel is now openly discussing the possibility of taking direct action against Iran’s nuclear program. This represents a seismic shift in Israel’s strategic position and capabilities.

Netanyahu’s accomplishments are even more impressive when we consider the enormous pressure he faced. The Biden/Harris administration was adamantly opposed to Israel launching a full offensive in Gaza, particularly when it came to capturing Rafah and cutting off Hamas’ weapons smuggling routes from Egypt. But Netanyahu knew that without destroying Hamas’ ability to rearm, Israel would never truly be secure.

It wasn’t just Washington—Netanyahu had to overcome internal resistance as well. Senior IDF and intelligence leaders were reluctant to go on the full offensive, warning of the risks. Yet Netanyahu pushed forward, understanding that half-measures would leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks.

In the North, the situation was just as tense. The Biden/Harris administration applied significant pressure to prevent Israel from taking decisive action against Hezbollah. But again, Netanyahu stood firm. The turning point came with the daring, James Bond-style operations that targeted Hezbollah’s leadership. Using beepers and walkie-talkies, Israeli forces neutralized Hezbollah’s mid-level commanders, crippling the group’s ability to launch a large-scale attack. Despite the fear surrounding Hezbollah’s rocket capabilities, these precision strikes showed the world that Israel could handle Hezbollah.

Netanyahu also had to deal with senior IDF and intelligence officers being against these precision strikes as well, which totally changed the strategic position of Israel in the region, with Sunni Muslim countries celebrating Israel’s efforts in taking out their Shiite enemy, Hezbollah.

One of the most telling moments came when Netanyahu authorized a strike on Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut—without informing the Biden/Harris administration. He knew that the U.S. would have tried to stop the operation, but he also knew that Israel’s security comes first. By acting decisively, Netanyahu proved that Israel is willing to protect itself even when it means going against international pressure.

Thanks to Netanyahu’s bold leadership, Israel now has the upper hand against Hezbollah. Instead of waiting for Hezbollah to launch an attack through its vast tunnel network, Israel is systematically destroying those tunnels and confiscating weapons stored for future use. Hezbollah’s power in Lebanon is crumbling, and Iran’s deterrence through Hezbollah has been severely weakened.

It’s important to remember that much of Israel’s political leadership—including figures like Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid—were prepared to stop the war with Hezbollah. Gantz even suggested delaying a conflict for another year or two, as though the international community would ever grant Israel legitimacy for such actions. But Netanyahu didn’t listen to these voices of caution. He knew that delaying action would only make the threat worse. Because of his determination, Israel has now neutralized Hezbollah’s leadership and shattered Iran’s proxy strategy.

The bottom line is this: despite the pain and tragedy of October 7th, Israel is now in a much better strategic position than it has ever been since its establishment in 1948. Netanyahu’s leadership has guided Israel through one of the most difficult periods in its history, and today, the country is stronger, safer, and more resilient.

It’s sad that it took a massacre to awaken the Jewish spirit and compel the leadership to do what was necessary. But because of Netanyahu’s resolve, Israel is now providing a safer future for its citizens and for the region as a whole. By standing up to Iran—the largest state sponsor of terror in the world—Israel is not only defending itself but contributing to a more secure Middle East.

As we enter this new Jewish year, we can be confident that Israel is in a stronger and better place—thanks to the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Now, we have to see this resolve with our enemies in Judea, Samaria and against those with Israeli citizenship.

It is up to us to continue applying the public pressure upon our elected officials, including Netanyahu, with what is truly needed for total victory against our enemies – liberate the areas we are being attacked from our borders, deport the enemy population that supports destroying Israel, and resettle those areas, making Gaza and Southern Lebanon Jewish again. We are witnessing and experiencing the fusion of Torah and realism.

Only with this solution will we be able to protect all of Israel and deter our enemies around the world from attacking us, since they will finally learn that Israel will make them pay a steep price with the loss of land. That is the only language of the Arab Muslim Middle East that Israel must begin to use from now on.

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Avi Abelow is a social media activist for Israel and the Jewish people, Editor of and the