Photo Credit: UN Photo/Kim Haughton
King of Jordan Addresses General Assembly

{Originally posted to the author’s website}

Your Excellency, As-Salaamu-Alaikum:


I bring you greetings from Maale Adumim, Israel. (Yes, the very land that you occupied from 1948-1967, until Israel liberated it. The very same location, where I can look out my window and look at your capital, Amman, any time of day or night.)

In any case, I am writing to you, Your Highness, about an urgent matter that I am sure you would like to help me with. (Sorry for the dangling participle, but when I am upset that tends to happen). You see, a few days ago, there was a TERRIBLE attempt to disrupt the so-called status quo on the Temple Mount here in Israel. (That is the place to which you all face your posteriors as you bow to Mecca). I am incensed at the brazen and flagrant attempt to disrupt the status quo! After all, we have understandings between our countries, that what happens on the Temple Mount needs to remain static, with no changes; hence the fancy Latin “status quo.”

I think that you, as the King of Jordan, you–personally–must stand up against the violation of the status quo and declare clearly in English, Hebrew and Arabic: You condemn the attempts to affect the current status on the Temple Mount. Any such move will be seen as an affront to all and you, as keeper of the sacred location (well, sacred to the JEWISH PEOPLE, at least) must protest this action.


Oh, wait..silly me. You thought I meant the installation of metal detectors?

Wait, you think that Jews who want to protect themselves from those who come up to the (JEWISH) holy site to murder them is a violation of the status quo? THAT is the violation? But, the murder of two Israeli police officers is not such a violation? If you believed that this location was holy to YOU, as well, don’t you think that your indignation should be directed to those who violated that holiness? Metal detectors are a violation of the status quo? Well, if Jews protecting themselves goes beyond your vision of “status quo” then yes, it is a violation.

Your Excellency: The status quo until now has been that you would tolerate the murder of Jews on this holy site. That is not status quo…that is “business as usual.” It is time to put the would-be murderers out of business!

I wish you continued success in your rule over the Kingdom of Jordan. How about we just make a little deal: You handle Jordan and we will handle the Temple Mount? We will take steps to ensure the safety of our citizens, and you can do the same there.

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After living in Chicago for 50 years, the last 10 of which Zev Shandalov served as a shul Rav and teacher in local Orthodox schools, his family made Aliya to Maale Adumim in July 2009. Shandalov currently works as a teacher, mostly teaching private students and at AMIT Boys in Maale Adumim