Iris Chaim: A Beacon of Love, Light and Hope
Iris and her husband sent a recorded message to the soldiers in Gaza (during shiva!); a message of love, forgiveness, understanding, empathy, and a request that they continue to fight their best, and not worry about what happened!
Look but DON’T Touch
Judaism understands that every behavior, action, sight, and thought will affect us to some degree; that we humans do not remain static and unaffected by our surroundings.
The Family Purity ‘Scandal’ in Israel: An Open Letter to Guy Pines
At the end of the day, you and all your fellow “secular Israeli coreligionists” are my family, and I will always welcome you home.
The Rebbetzin’s Tisch: Rosh Hashana: Love and Fear
What is the secret to really becoming something completely different; to becoming the new, real you?
My Beloved Nephew Yakir, ztk”l, Hy”d
Aunts don’t sit shiva, but I am definitely STANDING shiva