The Maddening Thing About Moshe Kahlon
It looks like Moshe Kahlon, the popular and vaunted Likud Minister of Communications, will be the second consecutive Likud Central Committee Chairman to leave the party looking for more power. The first one, Tzahi Hanegbi who left to Kadima and was charged with handing out jobs to cronies and nearly convicted of perjury, is now back in Likud because Kadima has entirely crashed. He’s looking for a slot on Likud’s Knesset roster.
What if Israel Were on the Gold Standard?
We would see a massive transfer of wealth away from the banks and the government and the stock market and real estate which will all crash and back to the wage earning middle class who would then be earning gold.
How the Free Market Redistributes Wealth Vs. How the Government Does
Allowing private actors to produce and act selfishly redistributes wealth better and more fairly than the government ever can.
Moshe Feiglin’s Got Something Up his Sleeve on Pollard
In an interview with Galei Yisrael radio station, Likud MK Moshe Feiglin hinted he has a secret plan to help free Jonathan Pollard.
The Inside Story of Feiglin’s Arrest on the Temple Mount
It was not a political statement or a planned exercise in disobedience. It was a spontaneous act of religious devotion meant to provoke no one.
Outlaw Marriage for All!
People, we are being hoodwinked. No matter what the government says, the government does not define marriage, nor can it.
Are Harry Reid and Nahman Shai the Same Person?
Just about everything they both say is idiotic.
Vote Likud and Give Netanyahu Hell
Bibi wants the smallest Likud possible while still maintaining his PM seat.
Moshe Feiglin Walks Into a Gay Bar…
All Feiglin really should say is that the gay community should do whatever it wants, raise its own money, and stop trying to legislate laws which cost money and force unwilling people to pay for something they don’t believe in.
The Trillion Dollar Coin Approach to Mideast Peace
There is nothing qualitatively different between a trillion dollar coin, and a one dollar bill.
If I Were Prime Minister: the Gov’t of an Anarcho-Capitalist
The finance minister will be me and only me, and I will cut everyone’s budget by 100% and return all the money to the taxpayers who it was stolen from.
Naftali Bennett and the Mafdal’s Last Hurrah
Why it makes absolutely no difference how many seats the Jewish Home party gets.
Enough with the Praise for Stanley Fischer and Israel’s Central Bank
There should be no central bank which regulates the supply of money.