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    Corned Beef‏

    In the near future, Jews remaining in the US not yet totally assimilated will begin to feel ISOLATED

    Straight Talk

    A great man once said that, a "dumb, illiterate Arab is far less dangerous to Israel than a smart educated one - especially the ones that WE educate."


    Is the truth about the enemies amongst us so unpleasant and unwelcome that we rather continue the charade than face it honestly?


    How is a proud Jew and Israeli more than OK with her son choosing to forfeit it all for a foreign land and life?

    Problem Solved

    There is a growing problem in Israel and especially in Jerusalem lately: Arabs are increasing a spiral of attacks on people identified as religious Jews.

    It Happened this Morning

    In Israel Arab MKs have determined the path of the Jewish state at some of its most vital junctures like Oslo and the expulsions of Gush Katif and Shomron. Arab votes decided.

    Gaza Solution

    Bring back the brave, productive Jewish residents to Gaza and encourage others to join them in making this part of our land great again - and forever Israel.

    Baruch HaShem

    I began to list the unimaginable ,breakthrough gifts Trump gave Israel despite all the push back to him.


    Not used to being challenged, the Left's "culture monopoly" howled; Their role is to dictate "taste"


    The Arabs are not the main problem. It is the Jew bashing Jews. It is the Jews who coddle and encourage those who would kill us.

    David HaMelekh May have been a Warrior, but he was NO PC Warrior

    David was NOT PC. He was not as sensitive or sophisticated as some of our "progressive"  teachers today.  If King David lived in our generation with those same outmoded ideas, he would be shunned and mocked by "sophisticated" Jews.

    Pintile Yid

    What I would like to understand is why Western Jews who made Israel their home, will vote for the post Jewish camp.

    Dirty Shoes

    Who dreamed of Jews hiding behind concrete in our renewed beloved land? Is this the best we can do?

    My Date with the Druze

    A small group, they don't have national aspirations and are happy to serve the country they happen to live in. In Israel they serve with distinction in the Israeli army

    Chamets on Pesach

    Polls show 2/3 of Israeli support sergeant Elor Azaria; interestingly enough, another poll showed 2/3 of Jews do not eat chametz on Pesach. Coincidence?

    Explosive Thinking

    So do I shed a tear when my enemy falls? No, I read the Psalms with joy that praise God for just that.


    Tel Aviv mayor, Ron Huldai, blamed Israel's occupation of the 'Palestinian territories' for an attack on a Tel Aviv cafe that left four Israelis dead. Who's side is he on?

    Learning on the Job

    So here I was guiding Germans and working for Arabs--Interesting position to be in for a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn.

    Happy Birthday Little Miracle!

    The world is witness and beneficiary to the fact a handful of Jews have fulfilled the Biblical promise that the Jews will indeed be a blessing for the world.

    Straight Talk

    It is no coincidence that the same people who pounced on Hotovely in the latest political tempest do not generally share her values as a fierce patriot and a woman of Jewish faith with traditional Jewish values.

    Israeli or Jew?

    Israelis are drifting wider apart on where the moral boundaries on when soldiers are to "fire" are to be drawn. This debate is rapidly escalating where it has long been pushed under the carpet.

    Muslim Despair?‏

    Europe is doomed. They drank the Kool Aid-They're not last on the crocodile's menu; They're first


    Isn't it actually rather poetic how Europe, that has done so much to hurt Jews and it's only tiny, embattled country, is reeling from the same terror that they abetted.

    Gush Etzion

    Honestly, it would be hard to choose the one area that could win the title “the most dramatic site” in Eretz Yisrael. However, one strong candidate has to be Gush Etzion.

    The Druze factor‏

    If IDF troops couldn't quash an Arab riot, a Druze manned jeep often was enough to disperse rioters

    A Rocky Week

    Jewish forces (not Turkish or British), wiping from the face of the earth a vibrant God fearing community in Eretz Yisroel and sending Jews into an unknown future, was heart rending for normal Jews

    At Any Price

    Well. well, well; then it's decided. All peace-loving people in Israel simply must vote the current government out and replace it with one that Ms. Omar will be much happier with. She did not say exactly which party she does embrace and endorse.

    “Ramadan Kareem”

    Ramadan is SUPPOSEDLY a month of introspection & repentance; yet attacks on "Infidels" skyrocket


    A vile comparison from the mouth of the man who led the expulsion of Jews from their homes.

    Just a Thought…

    When my cousin Rabbi Kupinsky was beheaded by Arabs this year in Har Nof his killers were celebrated


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/guest-blog/corned-beef%e2%80%8f/2015/06/09/

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