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Shalom Pollack Tours


    Isn't it actually rather poetic how Europe, that has done so much to hurt Jews and it's only tiny, embattled country, is reeling from the same terror that they abetted.


    Not used to being challenged, the Left's "culture monopoly" howled; Their role is to dictate "taste"


    There can not be a sharper dichotomy between two societies living side by side: We build, they destroy; We nourish, they poison; We pray for peace, they pray for destruction.

    Thank You, Mr. President

    It took an American president to stiffen the backbone of Israel's leader.


    A vile comparison from the mouth of the man who led the expulsion of Jews from their homes.


    Tel Aviv mayor, Ron Huldai, blamed Israel's occupation of the 'Palestinian territories' for an attack on a Tel Aviv cafe that left four Israelis dead. Who's side is he on?

    The Druze factor‏

    If IDF troops couldn't quash an Arab riot, a Druze manned jeep often was enough to disperse rioters

    The News ‘NOT FIT TO PRINT” in Mainstream Media

    In my opinion, the only occupied lands in the land of Israel are those in which Arabs live.

    Damn Balloons!

    The brains and resources of the vaunted IDF are working night and day to create a defense against this latest innovative threat: Kites and Balloons

    Face It

    Every country has its problems. The US does and so does Israel. The question is, which problems do you feel you should try to solve?

    Enemy #1

    Once any Jew could walk anywhere in the land and feel awe from our Arab neighbors. Today, no longer.

    Purity of Arms

    The soldier who finished-off the snake last week, has more Jewish morality in his little trigger finger than all the IDF manuals based on anything but Jewish morality, tradition and law.

    Our Brother, Yehonatan Pollard

    How disgusting it is that certain politicians and media mavens malign our brother, Yehonatan Pollard

    Holy Sticks

    If some Israeli cops got a Jewish education & learned to love Jews, Israel would be a better place

    Yad Vashem and PC

    Something happened on the way to the expansion and redesigning of Yad Vashem over a decade ago: the powerful and yet simple juxtaposition of the roles the Arabs and Jews played in the war vanished.

    The March Goes On

    Remember the recent passionate demonstrations of remorse and solidarity by Blacks in the wake of anti-Semitic Black murders of Jews a few months ago? No? Neither do I.

    Muslim Despair?‏

    Europe is doomed. They drank the Kool Aid-They're not last on the crocodile's menu; They're first

    Deja Vu, All Over Again!

    Find a common enemy that CAN be defeated, sufficiently different from most Israelis: Hill-top Youth

    “You’re Fired!”

    By teaching facts and not being PC, I might pay a price. It wouldn't be the first time--it wasn't. The company was not enamored of me for tearing off the blinders from their students eyes and I was fired

    Cousin Aryeh

    I joined the large crowd but this time it was more personal; my cousin Aryeh was one of the victims.

    Jewish Lives Matter: Detained Minor: “A Policeman Punched me.”

    Which is worse: A Jewish cop beating a Jewish teen for moving his lips in prayer on the Temple Mount, or an Arab cop doing the same?

    Even in America

    Trump has launched a cultural revolution in the US by pulling the PC cork from the bottle and long pent up frustration is now being triumphantly released by the masses of "deplorables."

    So What?

    So now this "Palestinian" teen is a hero and an example for millions like her who view the Youtube clip and will now dare if they did hesitate before.

    Zachary Baumel Has Returned Home to Israel

    Gantz said, "I prefer to endanger my troops rather than the lives of enemy civilians. That is the moral choice" This insanity must change and I believe it will. The days of the Gantz' and the very non-Jewish thinking elites are numbered.

    Post-Purim miracle

    The media, academia and entertainment joined to unseat their nemesis, in a "just not Bibi" campaign

    Current Political Observations and Thoughts

    The Arabs are openly courted by the Left today which leverages their power many times. Can this alliance actually result in a government;one in which the anti Israel Arabs call the shots either from within or by simply supporting a minority government from with out? It is clearly counter initiative and indeed suicidal to allow the future of the Jewish state to be decided by Arabs.

    Israeli or Jew?

    Israelis are drifting wider apart on where the moral boundaries on when soldiers are to "fire" are to be drawn. This debate is rapidly escalating where it has long been pushed under the carpet.

    David HaMelekh May have been a Warrior, but he was NO PC Warrior

    David was NOT PC. He was not as sensitive or sophisticated as some of our "progressive"  teachers today.  If King David lived in our generation with those same outmoded ideas, he would be shunned and mocked by "sophisticated" Jews.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/shalom-pollack-tours/shocked/2016/07/19/

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