Photo Credit: Flash 90
Naftali Bennett, then-chairman of the Jewish Home party, and Knesset Member Moti Yogev looking at "E-1" area of Ma'aleh Adumim.

No doubt that Naftali Bennett, Bayit Yehudi aka NRP, Israel’s Economy (I still haven’t figured out what that portfolio is vs the standard Finance) Minister’s proposal of “implementation of Israeli sovereignty over the zone where 400,000 [settlers] live and only 70,000 Arabs,” has been publicized in other places, but I read about it in the Jewish Press.

Naftali Bennett, chairman of the Jewish Home party and a key government coalition partner, has publicly proposed that Israel annexing Maaleh Adumim, Gush Etzion and other areas in Judea and Samaria where there are large Jewish population centers. “I favor implementation of Israeli sovereignty over the zone where 400,000 [settlers] live and only 70,000 Arabs,” Bennett, who also is Minister of Economy, said on Israeli radio Sunday. His numbers are way off the mark, unless he was including approximately 250,000 Jews who live in areas of Jerusalem that have been under Israeli sovereignty since 1980. The United States and the United Nations still refer to them as “settlements.”
Read more.

I oppose it, because it’s like taking just a bit of your antibiotics instead of finishing the prescription. Most medical experts warn that ceasing antibiotics when the symptoms ease can enable the bacteria to become return and become resistant to those medications.

Even if declaring partial sovereignty eases pressure on Israel immediately afterwards, the chances are that within a very short time the diplomatic and security situation will be immensely worse and untenable for Israel, Israelis and Jews all over the world.  And in all honesty and after decades of experience (close to half a century of observing and experiencing Israeli politics and security) I highly doubt that there will be much if any of a honeymoon if Bennett’s suggestion is implemented.


Such a policy would not only remove documented Jewish cities like my own Shiloh, but it would be a de jure border drawing between Israel and an additional Arab state whose raison d’etre is the destruction of the State of Israel.

The State of Israel has already given too much autonomy, which is sovereignty for almost all practical purposes, to the Arabs. There are many areas, cities and even neighborhoods in Jerusalem where Jews are told not to enter.  If it’s “enter at your own risk” today, it will be much worse for Jewish Israelis, or any Jews who aren’t escorted by Arab protectors, under Bennett’s proposal.

How in the world could Israelis be defended if the Jewish areas are isolated?  Pre-June 1967 Israel was impossible to defend.

Let’s just be practical and sensible.  Israel must annex all of the “westbank,” Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley.  That’s the only way we’ll have peace and security!

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.