When we first came to see Shiloh, over thirty-two years ago, while we were looking for a place to make a new home for our growing family, we discovered a piece of land in our Biblical Homeland that was full of delicate wild flowers. It was clear that this land had been deserted for more than centuries. There hadn’t been any active communities in Shiloh since Biblical times thousands of years earlier.
In the decades since we moved to Shiloh, it has grown enormously. Our local school, which opened September 1, 1981, with eighteen students in three classes, now is two large prize-winning regional schools, one for girls and one for boys, from First Grade until Eighth Grade.
Our district extends from the Shomron, Rechalim to the north of us, Ma’ale Levona, to the west, Gitit and Ma’ale Efrayim to the East, Kochav Hashachar to the south and lots of Jewish communities in between.

While new buildings are being built, ancient ones are being dug up.
As we earlier families are getting older, it’s wonderful to see that our children are marrying and having children of their own. And many young families are making Shiloh their home.
As many new homes as we build, there’s still a housing shortage in Shiloh. Jewish families of all ages, from all over the world want to live here.
A new generation has taken over that never knew a time when Judea and Samaria were in foreign hands. This post-1967 generation is much more rooted than we ever were, thank God.
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