Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

The deal that United States President Barack Hussein Obama is promoting is as genuine as those cheap knockoff designer bags on sale in street stands and internet sites.

I’d say that the biggest difference between the American scam and the cheap bags is the marketing. Those who sell the copies usually promote their products as “looks like” the original.


Replicas make no bones about the fact that they aren’t the super expensive originals, but just as good for all practical purposes.

Obama and Kerry are not as honest.

“This deal will make America and the world safer and more secure. Still, you’re going to hear a lot of overheated and often dishonest arguments about it in the weeks ahead,” he said. (Jerusalem Post)

They and their henchmen are promoting their “deal” as if it was the genuine article. There are just too many holes in their “deal.”

Analyst Group Calls Out Kerry, Moniz for ‘False Claims’ on ‘Anywhere, Anytime’ Promise“There’s no such thing in arms control as anytime, anywhere. There isn’t any nation in the world – none – that has an anytime, anywhere,” Kerry told CBS’s Face the Nation.
Rather than “anywhere, anytime” inspections, as critics of the deal had hoped for, Iran will apparently be able to delay access to suspicious sites for up to 24 days before sanctions could be re-initiated. (Algemeiner)

It’s more like a poorly repainted used car being touted as “just like new.” The Obama-Kerry “deal” with Iran will prevent the production of nuclear weapons, just like the dirt and various powders sold by the fake California doctor will cure his patients/customers of cancer.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.