Today I wrote the following on facebook:
In the 47 years since we left the USA for Israel, I think I’ve had one Thanksgiving dinner. But I thank Gd all the time I’m here.
And seven years ago, I wrote this post:
My old family Thanksgivings weren’t like the ones pictured in magazines, television and movies. They were unique to my family, sort of holy in a way. And that’s probably why when I moved to Israel as a young bride I never thought of looking for lanstsmen to make an American style Thanksgiving meal. It wasn’t “Thanksgiving” I had once looked forward to every November, it was being with my maternal family, all of the cousins, aunts and uncles.
Since making Aliyah, moving to Israel, in 1970, I never missed living in America. At times I missed people, but I never once wavered in my conviction that I had done the right thing getting on that boat. My husband and I never once discussed living anyplace other than here in Israel. It was a given for us. Thank Gd. So many couples have decades, a lifetime of debates, discussion and discord about this issue.
I am so thankful I am here. It’s Thanksgiving Day all the time.