Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Right now there’s a trial going on in New York against Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority for its role in deadly Arab terrorism in Israel. Neighbors of mine have flown to New York to give testimony of the serious injuries caused by the Arab terrorists at the trial. Stressing the bad permanent results goes against their nature. They are the type who looks for the good in every situation.

Shiloh residents suffered greatly from Arab terrorism. A number of our children (and a granddaughter) were murdered and maimed. There’s no way to be “compensated” for such losses.


It’s a terrible “myth” that Abbas’s Fatah and the Palestinian Authority are “moderate.”

Dalal Mughrabi, the terrorist who led the most lethal attack against Israel, in which 37 people were murdered in 1978, was born in January and her date of birth has been celebrated and honorably noted by Abbas’ Fatah movement and others.

Awdah TV, whose General Supervisor is Fatah’s spokesman Ahmad Assaf, broadcast at length from a party celebrating the terrorist’s birthday. Fatah’s logo was displayed on stage. 
“Martyr Dalal Mughrabi raised the Palestinian flag from the heart of occupied Palestine,” stated the Awdah reporter. “On her birthday we renew the promise to her and its fulfillment. Martyr Dalal Mughrabi will remain a path for the next generations to follow.” [Fatah-run Awdah TV and Awdah TV Facebook,
Jan. 3, 2015] (PMW)

And just like the Arab Bank Plc was convicted of complicity in Arab terrorism, all of the NGO’s, international leaders, media and academics who support Fatah and the P.A. should be held responsible for Arab terrorism.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.