Palestinians sic are shown wearing plastic bags and gloves while rioting from within al-Aqsa mosque. (
Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t understand how anyone can blame Jews for the Arab violence on the Temple Mount.
For a Jew to be permitted to go up to the Temple Mount, he or she must undergo security checks almost as drastic as before taking an airplane. Not only are we checked for weapons, but all of our possessions must be inspected, bit by bit, page by page, to make sure that we don’t pray to G-d according to traditional prayers.
Nu? And then we have guards checking us very carefully, no, not to protect us, but to make sure we don’t pray. Nu?
Police clash with Arab Muslims trying to change the “status quo” on the Temple Mount.
Arabs have stocks of weapons up on the Temple Mount.
Arabs aren’t inspected before going up. Arabs can pray, shout and curse us. They also attack the police.
Nu? So why is the world blaming us Israelis, us Jews for the violence?
Why did our Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agree to go to Amman to listen to the American Secretary of State John Kerry chastise him as if he is a wayward child?
Israel, Palestinians agree to steps to calm Jerusalem tensions, Kerry says (Reuters) – Israel and the Palestinians have pledged to take concrete steps to calm tensions around Jerusalem’s holiest site, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday after talks in the Jordanian capital. Violence has flared in recent weeks over the compound, revered by Muslims as Noble Sanctuary, where al-Aqsa mosque stands, and by Jews as the Temple Mount, where their biblical temples once stood. Clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians have raised fears they could trigger a new Palestinian uprising. All parties had agreed to “specific and practical actions that both sides can take to restore calm,” said Kerry, declining to say what those actions were….
Where’s the symmetry between us and the Arabs here? We aren’t attacking Arabs. We are the victims!
And why haven’t there been protests about the threats to Arabs selling land to Jews?
Sultan Abu Al-‘Einein, an adviser to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, says that Palestinians who sell land to Jews should be hung from electric poles. Image: MEMRI Screenshot
During the interview, translated by the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI,) a snarling Abu Al-’Einein praised the man who attempted to murder Israeli activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick, saying that “the way to fight the Israeli occupation is the way of the martyr Mutaz Hijazi.” As his voice reached fever pitch, Abu Al-’Einein declared that any Palestinian “who sells even an inch of our Palestinian land must be killed in the streets and hung on an electric pole.” (Algemeiner)
More than 60 foreign ambassadors and diplomats gathered on Wednesday at the Foreign Ministry for a special briefing held by Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino and Deputy Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi on the escalation of violence in Jerusalem, with a focus on the clashes that have occurred at the Temple Mount….
Palestinians sic are shown wearing plastic bags and gloves while rioting from within al-Aqsa mosque. (Photo: Israel Police)