Photo Credit: Kobi Gideon / GPO
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw, Poland, 2013

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is right that “The World Ignored Our Annihilation,” but he doesn’t seem to understand that nothing has really changed.  And the lesson to learn from it is that we should remember that we can’t rely on anyone when in trouble.  We must have policies that don’t require being rescued or help by any other country.

“The leaders of the Allies knew about the Holocaust in real time. They understood exactly what was happening in the death camps. They were asked to act, they could have acted, and they did not. To we Jews the lesson is clear. We must not be complacent in the face of threats of annihilation. We must not bury our heads in the sand or allow others to do the work for us. From here, the place that attests to the desire to destroy us, I, the Prime Minister of Israel, the state of the Jewish People, say to all the nations of the world: The State of Israel will do whatever is necessary to prevent another holocaust.”

I’m just a lowly blogger; I’m not in any position to change or make policy, but Netanyahu is the Israeli Prime Minister and he can do a lot more than just tap letters on a keyboard.


The Holocaust teaches us that normal cultural and “moral” values are ignored when the victims are Jews.

Today we are victimizing ourselves by agreeing to empower Arab terrorists and given them sovereignty over our Land.  Claiming that it’s possible to make a “Palestinian state” that doesn’t endanger Israel is like claiming that 1 + 1 = 3.

The early Nazi laws which only “discriminated” against Jews in Germany were nothing compared to the laws against Jews in most Arab countries today and also in the “PA Authority.”  Yes, Jews were still safer then in Germany, than we are today in Jenin, Ramallah or Shechem.

Just like there was silence from international human rights organizations then when Jews were losing their jobs and being thrown out of schools, who is complaining about the Judenrein policies of Jordan, Dubai and the PA Authority, among others?

It’s time to learn our lesson and stop talking “peace.”  We have a country to build.  We shouldn’t expect any help from others.  Once we concentrate our energies on true sovereignty, we’ll be the “light to all nations,” strong and secure.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.