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A characteristic of the Apple shaped woman are her beautiful, sensitive and slim arms. In order to balance the arms with your body form, give preference to detailed sleeves, such as bell shapes or others with fuller details and embroideries at the hems.

If you like pants, avoid the tapered and skinny styles and give preference to comfortable trousers with straight or wide legs.


Regarding accessories, go with a statement necklace and earrings. But keep in mind, no jewelry gets even close to the power of your smile…

Are you going to an event with photographers? That’s a tricky situation, because photographers are usually guys… and they are usually tall… What happens then is that if you are wearing a knee length dress or skirt, you will look shorter in the picture because a taller person is taking it. For this situation, give preference to an ankle length dress, skirt or pants.

Styling tips are just a small hint, a small door that, if opened, can lead you to a whole new world of self discovery and satisfaction. The question I hear the most from my Apple shaped friends are “How do I hide this?” “How do I hide that?” and the answer is: show off your personal beauty instead of trying to hide it.

By self-accepting, loving and being kind to yourself, you will be able to see even more styling possibilities than the ones presented here. In general, the fashion industry is greedy, and all it wants is to collect an extra buck from potential consumers. It wants to take off pounds, wrinkles, colors, diversity, individuality and our personality. If reality depended of fashion ads, we would all be as if we came out of a cloning factory, because we would all look the same. How against nature is that?

You are beautiful. You have great potential, and you use the art of styling as much as you can to create harmony between your majestic personality and your external self.

Next week we will discuss colors. Yes, these fierce expressions of nature that can be found anywhere in the universe, but not in most wardrobes. Why is that? Once this important step of styling is acknowledged, we will continue with our body types series.
Thank you for reading!

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Fashion Designer and Stylist Esther Goldberger is the creator of DELLASUZA, designing and selling her easy, “five seconds to wear,” colorful and comfortable dresses that have enchanted so many on the streets of Canada and USA. “When I design, I always imagine the woman who will wear the garment, and whether she will find it easy to walk around in. We should enjoy our clothes to the point we forget we’re wearing them." Esther and her supportive husband, Abie, live in beautiful and fashionable Montreal, Canada.