Photo Credit: unsplash

I love wearing black! There, I said it! It’s practical, fast and it matches everything.

In fact, my wardrobe was once a paradise for the color black. It even got to the point that I didn’t notice it anymore since buying black garments and accessories became as natural an act as walking or drinking water.


I didn’t even have to think of what to wear, as I already knew it would be “a black look.”

The heavy influence of the color black was partly dictated by the big city I lived in. Large and busy urban environments are tough places and everyone is always on the go, so in wearing a black outfit we sort of blend into the urban landscape.

Then, one day, my mother brought to my attention what had become of my wardrobe and that was really the very first time I started to think about the power and characteristics of colors. I also noticed that many characteristics of the color black were infused in my life.

What exactly are those characteristics?

Actually, that deserves a whole blog posting of its own. The wonderful black color which Western society loves so much has a long and interesting history and so makes it one of the most powerful colors in the palette. If you’re more interested in knowing all about our favorite color, I encourage you to read the book, Black: The History of a Color, by Michel Pastoureau – Princeton University Press.”

Today, however, we will analyze the influences and messages we send out when surrounding ourselves with other colors.

So, how is any of this knowledge important? The answer is very simple: we choose colors based on emotions, whether consciously or unconsciously (most of the time though unconsciously).

And so, by raising the awareness of our color selections, we automatically come in touch with our inner feelings and thus it becomes easier to identify with what we’re emotionally linked to at that specific time.

Amazingly, by wearing colorful clothing, or even just visualizing a specific color, we can shift our emotions and even create new ones which can be very beneficial to our lives.

We have reviewed already the influences brought by the colors blue, yellow, green and pink. This week we will review the colors orange, red, burgundy and purple.


A mixture of red and yellow which is a combination of motivation and alertness.

The result? Orange is a great anti-depressant.

This marvelous color fills our eyes with enthusiasm, courage, joy and a desire to start the day on the right foot. This color also cuts through all the boredom.

Taking on the characteristics of focus and awareness from the color yellow, orange help us to find out where we are in life.

Do you need some extra motivation? Optimism? Energy?

Then start by using those orange garments hidden in your wardrobe, or go purchase some house décor in this lively color, or even simply add some orange foods to your diet. You’ll receive and distribute lots of encouragement.


This color is very much linked to our entire existence and life energy.

Red expresses our very human nature. It is a color that transmits strength, power, determination and courage. And when I say courage, I mean it in the deepest sense of the word.

Red brings immediate interest, as it is a color related to the human heart, which is the root of our humanity. It’s a color related to life, motivation and audacity. It encourages us to fight for what we believe in as a ferocious lion.

By adding red elements to our environment we’re welcoming its amazing energy to our lives.

In fact, when you’re feeling distracted or tired, try wearing something red or just eat some red fruits. It will help in bringing your attention back down to earth and induce you to take action once again.



Burgundy is the color of dark wine which is typically associated with nobility, valuable items, luxury and riches.

Wine tasting is an experience not to be missed, and so, tasting the pleasures of life help us to focus on the present time.

How many of us have been so distracted at a moment of joy that we actually ended up missing part of it? It’s like living only half a life.

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Fashion Designer and Stylist Esther Goldberger is the creator of DELLASUZA, designing and selling her easy, “five seconds to wear,” colorful and comfortable dresses that have enchanted so many on the streets of Canada and USA. “When I design, I always imagine the woman who will wear the garment, and whether she will find it easy to walk around in. We should enjoy our clothes to the point we forget we’re wearing them." Esther and her supportive husband, Abie, live in beautiful and fashionable Montreal, Canada.