Who Is Occupying the Temple Mount?
We're doing this to ourselves!
Ari Fuld Smacks Down Yariv Oppenheimer
Ari Fuld confronts Yariv Oppenheimer on current events issues, and delivers one knockout blow after another.
Is Peace Always the Correct or Humane Answer?
Why do peace activists defend people, ideologies and cultures that are simply evil?
Ceasefire! What Just Happened with Gaza?
A day of shooting at Israel, and then suddenly silence. What just happened?
I Was Robbed of 70% of the Land of Israel
This is the kind of information that most people simply don't know and those that do, are too dishonest to discuss it. It is important for you to read and then share it out. It's time to reclaim the narrative for the sake of truth!
Ari Fuld on the Passing On of Leadership – Parshat Vayelech
We're going to talk about something that is probably one of the most practical pieces of advice for today. We're talking about handing over leadership.
From Sadness and Mourning to Celebration – How and Why
Every year I am concerned that I will not be able to make the transition between the memories and pain of Memorial Day to the celebration of Israel’s Independence.
From Sadness and Mourning to Celebration – How and Why
Every year I am concerned that I will not be able to make the transition between the memories and pain of Memorial Day to the celebration of Israel’s Independence.
Confronting BirthLeft as they Target BirthRight
Find the American students, we are looking for Birthright participants.
Why Are You Complaining About the NY Times’ Lack of Moral Clarity?
Barghouti is no different than the terrorists Arafat and Abbas.
Grab Onto the Rope! – Ari Fuld on Tisha b’Av
I want to tell you about a dream I had this past Shabbat on Tisha B'Av.
Did Trump Just Say What I Think He Said?! [Video]
Ari Fuld talks on Facebook about Trump's visit in Israel.
Ari Fuld vs. a Leftwing Activist
Ari answers important questions in a debate with a leftwing activist.
Watch: This is What Peace Looks Like in the Shomron
Ari Fuld visits an Israeli factory in the Shomron. BDS doesn't like this place.
Ari Fuld on Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut – 5777 (2018)
Last night, I was asked to sound another alarm as we held a special Teffilah (prayer) for the opening of Yom Haatzmaut (Israel Independence Day celebrations).
Ari Fuld on Yom HaShoah
Ari Fuld's broadcast for Yom Hashoah - May 5, 2016.
They Are Trying to Burn Jews and the World is Silent, AGAIN!
Do you know why the world is silent? Because no one cares!
Ari Fuld’s Upsetting Visit to the Temple Mount [video]
Mixed feelings. Tremendous happiness, horrific sadness.
Ari Fuld on Gaza, Hostages and Ceasefires
Filmed in 2018, Ari talks about exactly what we are facing today.
Ari Fuld on Yom Hazikaron – 5776 (2016)
Video of Ari talking about his army experience and the message of Yom HaZikaron to students of Migdal HaTorah, on Israel's Memorial Day. 2016.
How Israel Lost its Deterrence
Step by step... it didn't have to happen this way.
Grab Onto the Rope!
I want to tell you about a dream I had this past Shabbat on Tisha B'Av..
Ari Fuld on Remembering Yehoshua Friedberg [video]
I don't want to go to a memorial service, I can't stand military funerals and I can't forget. I hate this! Too many thoughts...
Ari in a Car with a “Palestinian” Driver
Ari Fuld got into an Uber taxi in San Francisco with a "Palestinian" driver, and this is the amazing discussion that followed.
Ari Fuld on Shavuot: On the Indigenous People of Israel and Why There is...
Ari talks about the holidays of Shavuot and Yom Kippur, the Shofar that connects the two holidays, and the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.
Ari Fuld on Remembering Yehoshua Friedberg [video]
I don't want to go to a memorial service, I can't stand military funerals and I can't forget. I hate this! Too many thoughts...
Grab Onto the Rope!
I want to tell you about a dream I had this past Shabbat on Tisha B'Av..
What Now?
I, like many of you reading this, am sick and tired of funerals.
The Imaginary Judge
Can you imagine a Supreme Court judge making rulings based on his own political leanings?
Ari Fuld Exposes TIPH in Hebron
TIPH observers expose their anti-Israel bias.