Photo Credit: Ari Fuld
Ari Fuld confronts "All That's Left" in Shuk Machane Yehuda. June 29, 2018

On Friday morning I went to Shuk Machane Yehuda, the open air market in Jerusalem to pick up some goodies for Shabbat as well as some presents for my upcoming Chinese Israel speaking tour. I was really focused and said to myself, “No videos no matter how cool the market scene is today.”

It was all good until I overheard some Americans saying to each other, “Find the American students, we are looking for Birthright participants.”


I turned around to see 3 Americans with pink shirts on that say “All That’s Left” and on the back side, “Stop the occupation!”

I took one of their leaflets that said: “BIRTHLEFT” – as opposed to Birthright, which is a free tour to all Jews who would like to learn about their homeland, Israel…but, these guys don’t believe in the Jewish right to the Land of Israel so they simply changed it to LEFT.

Well, that was it! I turned on the camera and went live (the video is at the bottom of the article). These 3 anti-Israel activists were hunting for Birthright participants in order to convince them of their Left-wing ideology along with the narrative of Israel’s enemies.

This group is running an event next Friday in the village of Silwan in Jerusalem. They claim they are going to take another look at Jerusalem as an occupied Jewish city…

The village of Silwan was originally called Shiloach and was a Yemenite Jewish village till 1948 when our enemies chased the Jews out and occupied the land from the Jews. Another interesting historical tidbit is that Jerusalem has had a Jewish majority since the mid-1800s, and back then, the entire population of Jerusalem wasn’t even 20,000 people.

This group, however, does not like historical facts and on their shirts it says, “Stop the occupation!”

Dishonesty and ignorance bring about cruelty to the compassionate and compassion to evil.

After the camera went off I continued the conversation with the leader who admitted he does not live here and he could not answer a single historic question about his ideology pertaining to the “Occupation of Palestine”.

When did Israel occupy “Palestine”?
By whom?
From whom?
When did it exist?

I asked him why he continues to advocate for this narrative even though he understands it has no connection to reality and truth.

He simply said that he sees truth differently.

With all due respect, there’s a word for who denies facts and reality and defines reality in his own imagination and then attempts to live life according to the imaginary world he built for himself….

Share this out because the lies must be exposed and stopped.

Israel NEVER occupied an Arab place called Palestine! #CaseClosed

You want to debate Israel, I can do so quietly and calmly with facts. You visit Israel and come to Machane Yehuda in Jerusalem in order to hunt for Birthright participants to incite them against Israel and advocate for our enemies narrative? I will call you out on it in public! You come to harass Israel, you will not be given a stage, sorry! Hey Birthright, you might want to start holding participants who are not coming for their “Birthright” responsible. Perhaps NIF should help with their flight home!

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For more information on Ari Fuld HY'D - visit the The Ari Fuld Project.... Ari Fuld is a sergeant in an IDF reserves elite paratroopers unit. He is an Israel advocate, TV and Radio show host and an international speaker on all things Israel. Ari is always happy and willing to debate and destroy any anti-Israel activist in the public forum. Test him.The Ari Fuld Israel Defense Page