Photo Credit: JFREJ Logo

The far-Left org Jews For Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) has released a letter, printed in part in the JTA, demanding an apology from ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt for liking and retweeting NY-10 Congressional candidate Brian Robinson’s depiction of JFREJ as a “pro-dystopian organization” that was “LARPing” as a liberal, pro-Jewish org.  JFREJ’s “LARPing” is particularly brazen through their sister org “The Jewish Vote (TJV),” which prioritizes candidates with anti-Israel views. JFREJ’s response has been to falsely claim Robinson was attacking their Jewishness. Note the ‘fake’ in quotes. Robinson never wrote this.

Over the past two weeks, JFREJ has been viciously targeted by a political candidate who continues to: single out individual JFREJ members for harassment; smear JFREJ and its electoral arm, The Jewish Vote, as antisemitic; and accuse JFREJ members of being ‘fake’ Jews.

JFREJ is resorting to lying about what Robinson said because they cannot answer his actual charges.


So what were they?

Robinson took JFREJ to task for their support of BDS-supporting candidates. BDS stands for the movement, “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” against Israel.

Brian’s point is that this view is a very small portion of the Jewish world. This is splinter group within the NYC Leftist elite. This is not Jewish America. This is not “The Jews.”

He also lambasted their support not only for Defund the NYPD, but for abolition of prisons and police.

A specific complaint leveled by Robinson is at the co-founder of TJV, Rafael Shimunov, who has repeatedly allied with and promoted a hate group called “Decolonize This Place.”

The NY Post and the Jewish Press have repeatedly warned against this organization which has successfully called for violence, including against “Zionist targets.”

Amin Husain, the leader, is also a founder of the Global Intifada, which seeks to bring the Israel-Arab conflict to the streets of NYC.

Others outside the Jewish community have warned against Husain.

While most of JFREJ’s letter whines about how they are being persecuted with critique of their promoted policies as “The Jewish Vote,” they also do appear to defend TJV’s leader’s allyship with Decolonize This Place.

“We condemn efforts to demonize allied Muslim and Black-led organizations working to make real the aspirations of a multiracial democracy.”

This is just gaslighting. And hopefully the mainstream Jewish community will not fall for it. But that is Shimunov’s position. Despite all evidence and admission (boasting, frankly) by Husain to the contrary,

Shimunov continues to deny Husain’s calls for violence which have led to attacks on Jews, and defend his long-standing alliance with this hate group.

Attacking Jewish targets, abolishing the police and jails, supporting anti-Israel candidates, all of this in our name with “The Jewish Vote” — is what these 75 signatories, including  NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, are rallying around. And no doubt, Robinson sees them as part of the problem, and Greenblatt signaled agreement with him. For good reason.

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