Photo Credit:
Terrorist Hanadi Jaradat

Alright. So now that the ALU has chosen, of its own free will, to honour a woman who murdered a two-month old baby – actually, because of that murder and the others she committed that day – what is the response of the professional and human rights organizations to which the Arab Lawyers Union is affiliated?

Silence is an option. But it’s a deadly and immoral one. What will ALU’s fellow members in the ILAC (just as an example) do and say now that they know what ALU actually stands for? Who are those fellow members at ILAC? Well, they include the American Bar Association (ABA)American Judicature Society (AJS)Bar Council of England and Wales and  Canadian Bar Association among many other serious and respectable bodies. Will they stare off into the distance and pretend they heard and saw nothing? Will their members drop the issue because, as potatoes go, this one is too hot?


Shakespeare famously wrote “Let’s kill all the lawyers“. Frequently misinterpreted, the line really expresses the revulsion of society when lawyers engage in immoral, unjust and hateful actions. But then what should  society do when it’s the lawyers who are doing the killing?

[Hat-tip to the energetic people at Palestinian Media Watch for creating awareness among English speakers of this award-granting lawyer scandal.]

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Frimet and Arnold Roth began writing and speaking publicly soon after the murder of their fifteen year-old daughter Malki Z"L in the Jerusalem Sbarro massacre, August 9, 2001 (Chaf Av, 5761). They have both been, and are, frequently interviewed for radio, television and the print media, including CNN, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Al-Jazeera, and others. Their blog This Ongoing War deals with the under-appreciated price of living in a society afflicted by terrorism which, they contend, means the entire world. Frimet is a native of Queens, NY while her husband was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. They brought their family to settle in Jerusalem in 1988. They co-founded the Malki Foundation in 2001 and are deeply involved in its work as volunteers. They can be reached at [email protected] .