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The Arabic channel of Al Jazeera ran this debate recently, with the moderator asking without hesitation how come the Syrian army is using tanks to slaughter children, while the IDF, like the French Mandate government of Syria decades ago, acts with restraint and respect to civilians and holy places.

It’s amazing that Al Jazeera is already saying openly, even heatedly, what Haaretz hasn’t yet gotten around to saying. I’m dropping my subscription to Haaretz today, and getting Al Jazeera instaed.


You will enjoy this.

H/T to Sarit Oprichter

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Yori Yanover has been a working journalist since age 17, before he enlisted and worked for Ba'Machane Nachal. Since then he has worked for Israel Shelanu, the US supplement of Yedioth,,, Lubavitch News Service, Arutz 7 (as DJ on the high seas), and the Grand Street News. He has published Dancing and Crying, a colorful and intimate portrait of the last two years in the life of the late Lubavitch Rebbe, (in Hebrew), and two fun books in English: The Cabalist's Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption, and How Would God REALLY Vote.