QUESTION: Is a construction moratorium a good way to get them back to the table?
MS. NULAND: Again, you know where we are on settlements, where we are on construction in Jerusalem. That hasn’t changed. Mark spoke to this extensively last week. We want to avoid provocation by any side and get back to conditions for direct talks.
QUESTION: And have you taken any measures since last week, or have you taken any steps, to dissuade the Israelis from construction in the E1 area?
MS. NULAND: We’ve been very clear in public and in private about how we feel about E1. Mark spoke to it last week.
QUESTION: What about the tax transfer holdup? Has the U.S. done anything to try to help mediate that fallout from the UNGA vote?
MS. NULAND: Well, as we said at the time of the UNGA vote, we were concerned that this would have consequences, would imperil the relationship between them. That said, we favor support for the Palestinian Authority, support from all quarters, because this goes directly to the issue of maintaining quality of life for the Palestinian people.
QUESTION: Victoria, one last thing on the money that is being held up. Have you done anything to make sure that it is released and properly delivered to the Palestinians?
MS. NULAND: You’re talking about on the U.S. side?
QUESTION: Right, yes, U.S. The U.S. money and –
This is where they all started using gardening metaphors…