Photo Credit: PMO National Public Diplomacy Directorate
Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer

Israel is determined to end the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza and in fact is actively working towards eliminating the participation of the agency in humanitarian support for the enclave.

Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer told reporters during the daily briefing on Monday, “UNRWA is a front for Hamas. They are part of the problem. They perpetuate conflicts.”


A number of local Gazans who upload their own testimonies and messages to TikTok say there is no real hunger in southern Gaza, where civilians were told by the IDF to go when combat began in the northern and central areas of the enclave.

In addition, many of the food aid packages dropped and delivered by well-meaning Western nations — including the United States — are simply inedible to the average Gazan.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini announced Sunday in a frantic statement on the X social media platform that the agency has been blocked by Israel from sending aid convoys to northern Gaza.

“They fill people’s minds unfortunately in Gaza, and also in Judea and Samaria, with the idea that one day Palestinian “refugees” will be able to return to Jaffa and to Haifa. But nothing could be further from the truth.

“UNRWA are part of the problem and we will now stop working with them,” Mencer told reporters. “We are actively phasing out the use of UNRWA because they perpetuate conflict rather than trying to alleviate the conflict,” he said.

As for claims of hunger and starvation in Gaza, Mencer pointed out that Hamas’s objective is to create an image of humanitarian crisis — but where there is hunger in Gaza, “it is hunger orchestrated by Hamas. These are the images they create. Theses are the images they want you to see.”

In some cases, food in Gaza still costs less than it does just a few miles away, across the border in Israel, and is in good supply in all the humanitarian safety zones.

Feel free to ask the average Israeli how much cheese costs in the local supermarket.

Moreover, humanitarian aid delivered into the enclave often makes its way either to the black market or even to regular supermarkets, as seen below in this post by Gaza-watcher “Imshin,” who reposts TikTok videos uploaded by Gazans themselves.

“I can guarantee these three things,” Mencer emphasized. “No one in Hamas is hungry. Number two, Hamas and other criminal and terrorist gangs steal the aid. Number three, Hamas wants to maximize the suffering of ordinary civilians. Why? To stop the war to protect their own skins, today and every day.

“As for UNRWA, you know many are working hard to keep Hamas in power and keep it relevant. UNRWA is a front for Hamas.

“UNRWA employees actively participated in the October 7 massacre. UNRWA employees took and held Israeli civilians hostage. The UNRWA headquarters served as a literal cover for a Hamas server farm and intelligence space.

“UNRWA is tainted with terrorism. Their primary goal is to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee problem. Their leaders disseminate libel, and therefore the organization needs to be dissolved,” Mencer said.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.