The Still Voice (Kol)
The mention of kol is referenced in dozens of places in the Torah, and each time it appears, one is filled with wonder and amazement in its powerful and profound implication and meaning.
Too Late
Barry brought over the motorized bike, and Saul put it away in a spare room. A month later, Barry returned. A week passed and he did not come to pick up his bike.
The Man Who Made The Beatles
Few know that in their earliest days the Beatles performed at a Jewish-owned club and at Jewish community events and generated notice in England’s religious Jewish community.
Title: The Person in the Parasha: Discovering the Human Element in the Weekly Torah...
Weinreb shares with us his personal triumphs and tribulations, and lessons from his many travels across the Jewish world.
Albany Beat
During her confirmation hearing, DiFiore acknowledged she has a pistol permit and carries a gun.
The Continuity Of Death And Life
In the Torah, law and narrative are intertwined for the very profound reason that G-d’s law is not arbitrary. It speaks to the human condition, arising out of human history.
Holidays And Loose Pockets
The whole purpose of any holiday is for one to separate from the vanities of the world and [cling] to Hashem and His Torah.
The Legacy Of The Or Hachaim
Another remarkable fact concerning the Or Hachaim is that he is the only Sephardi commentator in most editions of the Mikra’ot Gedolot, a point that is little recognized today.
Raising My Son Black And Jewish In Rural America
Raising my son Menny for 4 years now has been an extraordinary blessing and incredible experience. He’s black and wears his yarmulke proudly. Our Jewish community and fellow Montanans embrace him unconditionally--He’s not that “black boy” and I’m not that “adoptive father”; they just see us as a family.
A World Of Surprises
Who wants to read Old News when the Internet is already giving you tomorrow's happenings before they've even occurred?
Parshat Vayakhel-Pikudei
Anyone from any tribe can rise to greatness so long as he or she has the vision, drive, and talent.
Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part XIII)
Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery?
Isaac Greenberg
Turning Minuses Into Pluses
Rarely successful in the classroom, Simcha used his brilliant mind to teach himself anything he was interested in.