Why Millennials Love Shabbat
Shabbat is an opportunity to put life on hold just long enough to recharge our humanity, develop meaningful bonds through kinship and worship, and explore where we came from in order to decide where we are going
The Merit Of Trusting Hashem
The difficulty with this Rashi is that he lists all three reasons in same breath as if they are equal, and clearly they aren’t.
Israeli Checkpoint Prevents Another Massacre
I, prefer inconvenienced Palestinians to dead Jews any day of the week. The would-be murderer tried to get through the checkpoint byt the metal detector detected that he was carrying two pipe bombs.
Conservatives Need To Show Their Appreciation Of The President
No one could know how Trump would govern, but it was certain Hillary would govern as a leftist. I believe that another 4 years of left-wing rule would mean the end of America as it was founded to be
Two Lenders Each Claim A Borrower Owes Him The Larger Amount – Shulchan Aruch,...
They did not want the borrower to assume they trusted each other. Their purpose in telling him who lent what was so the borrower should take note of it.
When The Litigants Are The Heirs Of The Original Parties (Siman 75:20)
Either way, the defendant does not have to take an oath to rebut the claim of an uncertain plaintiff.
Marcel Marceau, Holocaust Hero
Marceau suggested a dark reason for his wordless art: "The people who came back from the [concentration] camps were never able to talk about it…. My name is Mangel. I am Jewish. Perhaps that, unconsciously, contributed towards my choice of silence."
Eruv Tavshilin
When Yom Tov begins on Wednesday night, the eruv tavshilin ceremony is performed on Wednesday and when Yom Tov begins on Thursday night it is performed on Thursday, in each case by the head of the household.
Jackie Robinson And Hank Greenberg: Forever Linked
While Pittsburgh embraced Greenberg, Robinson had a more mixed reception in Brooklyn. The borough’s Jewish fans welcomed him, as did most of the rest of the Ebbets Field faithful.
Shabbos Rental
Use of the hall on Motzaei Shabbos is a separate rental that carries an additional $250 payment. You were supposed to notify me if you wanted to use the hall also on Motzaei Shabbos.
The Bernice Chronicles: The Schwartzes Of Riverdale
Unlike other retirees of their generation, they never considered Florida a possible venue – despite the Northeast’s cold winters.
The Right Thing To Do
The truly amazing thing about Trump’s announcement is that despite media’s incessant counter-narrative, there are still enough individuals, both Jewish and non-Jewish, who believe that the ONLY people who have ever called Jerusalem their capital deserve to do so again.
‘We Catch Young People At A Critical Time’: An Interview with Ma’agalim’s Assaf Weiss
The program really changed my life. I come from a good, religious home, but I like to do my own thing. For the first time, I met teachers I identified with and who guided me.