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Michael Gove speaking at his party's conference, Sept. 1, 2018

Speaking at the Conservative Party conference on Monday, Environment Secretary Michael Gove described Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as a “Moscow-loving, Hamas-hugging, high-taxing, moderate-bashing, job-destroying, national anthem-avoiding, NATO-hating, class war-provoking, one-man museum of economic folly.”


Gove said that “Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is a toxic cocktail of unrepentant Marxism-Leninism and unacceptable anti-Semitism. They are giving all the errors of the 20th Century another chance to wreck our society.”

“When our Jewish friends and neighbors live in fear for their futures, let us stand with them against prejudice, against intimidation, against bigotry and against hate. Let a message come loud and clear from this hall, a message of unshakeable solidarity with the Jewish community.”

Clare Foges writing in The Times Monday, suggested “Michael Gove is the revolutionary the Tories need.”

“Increasing numbers believe that Theresa May must go not long after next March. As for the kind of Conservative who should replace her, there is growing agreement across the party that countering Jeremy Corbyn’s populist appeal requires a Tory with One Nation instincts; a leader armed with bold ideas to address crony capitalism, the low-wage economy, the housing crisis, the sense of unfairness that has felt particularly acute over the past decade. What is needed is a Conservative revolutionary to defeat the Marxist radical. There is no one who better fits this description than Michael Gove, and there is no better candidate for prime minister,” Foges suggested.

Gove campaigned in favor of Brexit, calling it “the most difficult decision of my political life.” He argued Britain would be “freer, fairer and better off” for leaving.

Gove has described himself at a UJIA speech as “a proud Zionist,” and supports the United Jewish Israel Appeal’s fundraising activities. According to The Times, Grove distinguishes between “the great historical faith” of Islam, which has “brought spiritual nourishment to millions,” and Islamism, which he says is a “totalitarian ideology” that turns to “hellish violence and oppression,” reminiscent of Nazism and Communism.

According to The Times, back in 2015, UK foreign secretary Philip Hammond accused then Justice Secretary, Michael Gove, of naiveté over his demand scrapping a controversial $7.65 million prisons deal with Saudi Arabia. Gove insisted the British government should not be assisting a regime that uses beheadings, stoning, crucifixions and lashings as forms of punishment.

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