Photo Credit: Photo: Wikipedia Commons
9/11 attack on Twin Towers.

{Reposted from JNS}

With a population of about 9.73 million, Israel is about one-34th the size of the United States, which has about 335.55 million people.


That means that the reported death toll of more than 600 Israelis from Hamas terrorist attacks is proportional to about 20,700 Americans. The official U.S. count of Americans who died on Sept. 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center is 2,977.

“Many people are saying that this is Israel’s 9/11. In fact, with 300 Israelis confirmed dead so far, this is the equivalent of three 9/11s, given the size of Israel’s population,” wrote Dov Waxman, chair in Israel studies at University of California, Los Angeles and director of the UCLA Center for Israel Studies, on Saturday. (The official death toll has since doubled.)

“Israeli civilians haven’t experienced anything like this since the 1948 war,” Waxman added. (When someone responded on X to his post saying it was a terrible comparison, Waxman said, “It’s a comparison of the civilian casualties in relative terms.”)

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