NY Times Completely Misunderstands Hamas

The NY Times doesn't understand Hamas or the Hezbollah model they are following.

The Red Herring Of Palestinian Statehood

President Bush's visit to Israel earlier in the month had an air of absurdity to it.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The Lockerbie Bombing Hall of Shame

It was when Congressman Steve Rothman defended the rights of Former Libyan dictator Muammar Kaddafi’s personal envoy to live peacefully and tax-free next to me that I first thought of running against him. What was Rothman's purpose in defending the right of an envoy of a terror-sponsoring government to live in our midst?

False Symmetries and “Cycle of Violence” Fantasies in the Middle East

The Mid-East conflict is a unidirectional campaign of Arabs murdering Jews, not the inverse.

Clash in the North – Israeli Success, Iran Frustrated

Former Head of IDF Intelligence Research Unit, Yossi Kuperwasser, says that Iran is seeking alternative ways to fight Israel. “Sending a drone into Israel was an aggressive gamble that failed”

Cisco Acquired its 11th Israeli Company

Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer said that Israel is a start-up center, and there is always something to challenge us there.

Cyprus: When the Law Prescribes Theft

Now is a good time for the EU to take stock and recognize that the entire Cyprus problem, like the Greece problem, was created by the actions of government.

‘Trump Effect’ Takes Iran: Regime Carpets Country with American and Israeli Flags

Probably the most overlooked aspect of the “flags on the sidewalk” phenomenon in Iran is that, as the regime paints those flags everywhere, hoping Iranians will step on them, it is basically symbolizing its – the regime’s – effective “occupation” by its obsession with the Great Satan and the Little Satan.

The Wannsee Legacy: Lessons for Genocide Prevention

Let me please start with Fanny Englard, an active survivor of the Holocaust and a friend of mine. She grew up in Germany/Cologne and...

Message to Europe: Too Little, Too Late and Almost Totally Meaningless

It took the Europeans more than thirty years to understand that the Hizb'Allah organization, founded in 1982, is a terror organization. Good Morning, Europe!

Who Can Believe Mahmoud Abbas?

Abbas must accept that regardless of EU and European promises, Israel is not about to capitulate.

Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip?

According to the Greek Orthodox Church in the Gaza Strip, at least five Christians have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam in recent weeks. In a rare public protest, leaders and members of the 2,000-strong Christian community in the Gaza Strip staged a sit-in strike in the Gaza Strip this week to condemn the abductions and forced conversions in particular, and persecution at the hands of radical Muslims in general.

Arab Spring Officially Over

It’s over; it didn’t work; democracy failed.

Palestinian Rejectionism is Weakening

When it comes to Washington, Israeli concession is not the Palestinians' priority. For West Bankers, it's US . pressure on the PA to make it "more democratic and less corrupt"; for Gazans, the priority is "increased economic aid."

Israel Civil Administration reports PA planting trees to lay claim to land

The aim? According to Israel’s Land Law, the continual agricultural presence of a farmer affords him rights to the land.

Israel Under Fire: The New Paradigm

Attacks from Gaza on Israel have ramped up significantly in the last several days. An Israeli patrol was hit by what was thought to be a roadside bomb on Tuesday (three were wounded), near the border fence with Gaza. On Saturday, terrorists in Gaza fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli jeep with four infantrymen in it, as the patrol operated in the area of the roadside bomb attack. The four soldiers were wounded, one severely. More than 80 rockets have been launched from Gaza into Israel since the attack on the jeep on Saturday, 10 November. At least three Israeli civilians were injured in the rocket attacks. Geography is beginning to rear its head again, as Israel has also sustained incursions into the Golan from Syria in recent days.

Supporting ‘Peace Process’ and Muslim Brotherhood via Misinformation

The Palestinian leadership's goal of wiping out Israel has not changed. Only if it ever does will there be any chance of a two-state solution.

Obama Picks up too Late on the Threat from Syrian Rebels

A situation is being set up in which a future Muslim Brotherhood regime in Syria can blackmail the United States.

Why are We Surprised that Iran is Exporting Weapons to Iraq?

The ISIS guerrillas are a problem for Iran. It arose because of the Arab Spring and the Syrian civil war.

The IKEA Murders: Sweden in Crisis

Mosque burnt by accident NOT racism; Eritrean asylum seekers murdering&running wild; sound familiar?

Israel’s Unprecedented Global Economic Integration

A Bloomberg study: "An examination of foreign capital flow into Israel shows a near tripling from 2005 when the so-called BDS was started" Amazing! The harder they try to stop Israel, the more we grow

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: A Warrior-Scholar Falls in Israel – The Death of Benzion Netanyahu

In the time that I spent with Professor Benzion Netanyahu, I discerned a Jewish nationalist of phenomenal determination. Zionism was in his DNA and I have rarely met a more passionate Jewish patriot or a prouder Jew. He had a sweeping view of history and could clearly argue the precarious state of the Jewish people throughout time.

Would Judicial Reforms in Israel Open Up the Israeli Military to Charges of War...

The judicial reforms being discussed in Israel do not change or impact the independence and willingness of the Israeli investigative and prosecutorial bodies to investigate and prosecute potential offenders.

Israel’s Only Alternative is a Good One

Living well, as the saying goes, is the best revenge, even if it comes at the cost of international criticism.

Knesset Jeremy Poll of Polls – Weekly Average #1

Knesset Jeremy Weekly Average #1 (week of Nov 30-Dec 6 2014) of 12 polls from 9 polling companies.

All We Know for Sure is that Boston Will Rise

It is not obvious that any group or type of person in particular mounted this one, nor can any be ruled out.

Khaled Abu Toameh: Arab Apartheid Against Palestinians

Like many Arab countries, Lebanon has always been treating Palestinians as third-class citizens. Nearly half a million Palestinians live in Lebanon's 12 camps. Though born and raised in the country, they are denied political, economic and social rights.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/the-7-things-npr-wants-you-to-know-about-settlements/2017/01/10/

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